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Technológ - celé číslo 2/2024
(University of Žilina, 2024)
Barkhausenov šum po dynamickom guľôčkovaní duplexnej ocele AlSi 318
(University of Žilina, 2024) Mičietová, Anna; Uríček, Juraj; Čilliková, Mária; Neslušan, Miroslav
This paper deals with surface integrity and the corresponding Barkhausen noise after shot peening of duplex steel AlSi 318 under variable shot-peening conditions such as number of passes and applied air pressure. Surface state is investigated from the point of view of surface roughness and surface plastic deformation. Barkhausen noise is decreasing along with increasing surface coverage as well as increasing air pressure. The duplex matrix is considered being stable with respect of volume fraction between austenite and ferrite and the whole Barkhausen noise signal originates from ferromagnetic ferrite. Progressively developed plastic deformation increases dislocation density in the surface as a result of surface bombardment by shots which in turn shift Barkhausen envelopes into higher magnetic fields.
Konštrukčná úprava strižných hrán
(University of Žilina, 2024) Moravec, Ján
The contribution is devoted to geometrical questions related to the issue of adjusting the active parts of the cutting tool. There are three modifications of the cutters: With the blade beveled inward and bevelled outward, the blades formed by the intersection of two cylinders. The necessary schemes of these solutions and the necessary mathematical relations are published.
Problematika logistiky pri skladovaní tvárniacich nástrojov a otázka opotrebovania činných dielov
(University of Žilina, 2024) Melo, Borislav
The article deals with the specific issue of the logistics of forming tools within the company. The submitted contribution in a brief overview points to possible situations that may arise in the production process when applying forming tools. It is also pointed out the possibilities of solving the situations that arise in the production preparation stage. An addition is also pointing out the issue of wear and tear of active parts of clippers and their renovation.
Vplyv teploty na Barkhausenov šum v Co a Gd
(University of Žilina, 2024) Neslušan, Miroslav; Čížek, Jakub; Mičietová, Anna; Čilliková, Mária
The present paper deals with Barkhausen noise emission in Gd. Barkhausen noise emission was investigated in the temperature range mainly below the Gd Curie temperature when the spontaneous magnetization in Gd occurs. Barkhausen noise from the heavy rare-earth Gd is compared with Barkhausen noise emission from the transition metal Co measured at the same magnetizing and other conditions. This study demonstrates that Barkhausen noise emitted from Gd is much weaker than that originating from Co. This is a consequence of different spin exchange interaction among the neighbouring atoms, domain wall thickness as a well as domain wall energies. Moreover, Barkhausen noise is temperature sensitive especially for Gd sample as a result of the altering magneto-crystalline anisotropy.