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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
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    Improving the image of the company
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Furmannová, Beáta; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Zuzik, Ján
    The image of the company is a very important tool in the company for proper functioning and representation even outside its gates. Nowadays, it is an indispensable factor. Businesses are "competing" with each other, and customers are not only looking at how the company produces, but also how it presents itself, how it looks and advertises. The article describes proposals for improving the image of the company developed on the basis of the analysis of the current situation and the evaluation of a questionnaire survey in the company.
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    Intelligent warehouse systems
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Zuzik, Ján
    Artificial intelligence can change the overall operation of a business and make work activities more efficient not only in terms of time but also economically. Individual enterprises are increasingly trying to incorporate artificial intelligence into production processes and the need to summarize knowledge about this trend is the main pillar of this paper.
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    Possibilities of using artificial intelligence in logistics
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Zuzik, Ján
    The paper focuses on the topic of the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in logistics. It provides basic information about the given topic, which is presented in the theoretical basis. It describes the definition, history and development and objectives of logistics. It also deals with aspects of Logistics 4.0 and the definition and history of artificial intelligence. The core of the work divides individual options between logistics platforms using artificial intelligence and logistics technologies using artificial intelligence, the principle of operation of which is subsequently described. The conclusion is devoted to the evaluation of the current state of use of artificial intelligence in the logistics industry. It also contains an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned possibilities of use.
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    Evaluation of new trends and reasons for attendance artificial intelligence at the operational level
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Štaffenová, Katarína
    The contribution is focused on the analysis of the current state of the introduction of artificial intelligence in enterprises in Slovakia. Here are also the results of a questionnaire survey aimed at finding out what the participating small and medium-sized enterprises mean by the term digitization, whether they use it and consider it important. The questionnaire also investigated whether companies are familiar with the national strategies of Industry 4.0 or how they see the service provision and financing system in this context. The conclusion of the article is devoted to the evaluation of new trends and reasons for the emergence of artificial intelligence.
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