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Item Zmena mechanických vlastností vybraných materiálov aplikáciou povrchového kalenia(University of Žilina, 2024) Fabian, Peter; Jaššo, Martin; Pastirčák, RichardComparing the mechanical characteristics of steel used in the weapons sector to make barrels for short, small arms is the study's goal. The heat treatment of representative samples resulted in their hardening, surface hardening to a specific layer thickness, and tempering. It has not yet been thoroughly examined how the thickness of the hardened layer affects the modification of the mechanical characteristics of the chosen materials. Surface hardening is widely regarded as one of the methods for producing a resistant core and a hard surface on a component. Nonetheless, the overall material's mechanical characteristics alter in tandem with the layer's thickness. The outcomes of this study will also be useful for the induction heat treatment of other similar material components.Item Vplyv teploty formy na vybrané vlastnosti AlSi5Cu2Mg(University of Žilina, 2024) Kantoríková, ElenaCurrently, high demands are placed on the costs associated with the production of products, therefore it is advisable to know the individual characteristics of materials that are used in industry. The article deals with the influence of mold temperature on the mechanical properties of aluminium alloy. By knowing the characteristics of individual materials, it is possible to effectively design and manufacture equipment that will be safe and suitable for the given application. In many cases, aluminium alloys are offered as a solution, which are considered innovative construction materials, mainly because of the perfect combination of their properties.Item Tepelné spracovanie nástrojových ocelí(University of Žilina, 2024) Fabian, PeterThe article describes the importance of heat treatment of tool steels, referred to as class 19. To obtain the required properties of steels, their chemical composition alone is not enough. An irreplaceable role is also played by subsequent processing, be it thermal, chemical, or a combination chemical-thermal or thermo-mechanical processing. With the right settings processing, the desired properties are achieved, and the service life of the steel is also increased.Item Kovokeramické trecie materiály využívané v práškovej metalurgi(University of Žilina, 2024) Kantoríková, ElenaMetal-ceramic materials are produced from a mixture of metal and ceramic powders. These are primarily sintered carbides for cutting tools and friction materials for brake linings. Their use is important in cases where it is not possible to use normal friction materials. Important is a high coefficient of friction even at high temperature, good thermal conductivity, strength and resistance to abrasion.Item Vplyv Ti na mechanické a fyzikálne vlastnosti AlSi5Cu2MG zliatiny(University of Žilina, 2024) Sýkorová, Martina; Bolibruchová, DanaThe hypoeutectic aluminum alloy AlSi5Cu2Mg is used in the field of high-strength cylinder head castings for the automotive sector due to its favorable combination of mechanical, physical, and foundry properties. The regulation of the chemical composition of the AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy set by the manufacturer limits the use of standard grain refiners based on Al-Ti and Al-Ti-B due to the limited content of Ti (max. 0.03 wt.%). The article is focused on the possibility of increasing the Ti content in this specific alloy above 0.03 wt. % Ti. The article investigates the effect of graded addition of Ti (0.1; 0.2 and 0.3 wt. % Ti) on the resulting mechanical and physical properties of the AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy. In this paper, the effect of T6 heat treatment on the resulting mechanical and physical properties was also evaluated. The physical properties of the experimental alloys with Ti addition decreased with increasing Ti content. No significant changes in the mechanical properties were observed due to the addition of Ti. The ductility of the experimental alloys increased positively. The best combination of mechanical and physical properties was demonstrated by AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy with the addition of 0.1 wt. % Ti.Item Materiály s vysokou teplotou tavenia využívané v práškovej metalurgii(University of Žilina, 2024) Kantoríková, ElenaMetals with a high melting point are frequently used materials in technical practice. Their fundamental advantage over other metal materials is their higher melting temperature, which exceeds the melting temperature of iron. Thanks to this physical property, such metals and their alloys can be used in environments where the components are subject to high thermal stress.Item Porovnanie charakteristík tvárniteľnosti vysokopevných dvojfázových ocelí skúškou ťahom a LDH skúškou(University of Žilina, 2023) Tomáš, Miroslav; Kulya, Juliy Martyn; Kokarda, Vladimír; Evin, EmilThe paper deals with the issue of formability evaluation of high-strength dual phase steels DP800 and DP1000 with a thickness of 1.6 mm. These steels are used for automotive body deformation zones. The material formability was evaluated by tensile testing with evaluation of mechanical properties, normal anisotropy ratio and strain hardening exponent. The process formability of steels was evaluated by LDH test, which is used for different deformation states modelled by the specimen width. The results of the LDH parameter achieved were correlated with the measured material formability parameters.