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The Scientific journal AEROjournal is published by The Air Transport Department at the University of Zilina. It offers aviation professionals and academics an opportunity for publication of their research outcomes covering wide range of current issues in air transportation. The Air Transport Department at the University of Zilina (ATD) is a centre for education, research, and training in civil aviation. ATD provides accredited study programmes in a three - tier course structure of university education - bachelor, Ing (equivalent to MSc.) and PhD degrees. We also provide complex aircraft pilot training up to the CPL/IR/MEP (A) level (Commercial Pilot with twin-engine aeroplane qualification and qualification for flying in accordance with Instrument Flight Rules) and a theory up to the frozen ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot) level including Multi Crew Cooperation course. ATD is also the base of the National Civil Aviation Security Training Centre of the Slovak Republic. The Centre runs basic aviation security courses in line with the EU regulations for all categories of personnel in aviation. The papers in this journal cover all the aspects of aviation (including airlines, airports, air traffic management, aerospace and maintenance).


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    Požiadavky na harmonizáciu údržby ultraľahkých lietadiel
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Škultéty, Filip; Čerňan, Jozef; Janovec, Michal; Chodelka, Frederik
    The exact definition of an Ultralight Aircraft is still very diverse, especially in the European region. Internationally, there are various Ultralight Aircraft (UL) classes with nationally varying certification regulations. Accordingly, Ultralight Aircraft is used colloquially ore or less comprehensively for Very Light Aircraft or Light-Sport Aircraft. However, they are subject to much stricter certification nd maintenance regulations. This paper aims to compare the current legal situation in the European Union countries, extract the best practices, and propose how a new “AMC & GM” should define the laws and regulations to create the best possible vironment for UL airworthiness. This paper is written based on information and directions published on the websites of the esponsible uthorities of the respective countries, as well as communication with these authorities and first-hand knowledge obtained by conducting numerous interviews with people in the field of UL maintenance. The results indicate how different each country egulates the maintenance and continuing airworthiness of ULs and how important a harmonised regulation would be. It is specially important to have clarity as with larger aircraft and thus also to prevent numerous accidents and hazardous situations in the future.
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    Rozbor bezpečnosti letov UAV a konspekt aktuálnych legislatívnych požiadaviek
    (University of Žilina, 2021) Škultéty, Filip; Kandera, Branislav; Janovec, Michal
    Despite the recent legislation, which has been formed in the last five years to its current form, the safety for the UAV operation is borne by the pilot, as he/she is the one who is responsible for the direction of UAV movement thus for any collision. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the safety of UAV operations outside the duties and competencies of the pilot at a distance, for example, through anti-collision systems and air traffic management systems. This article was initially focused on analysing aviation events in Slovakia associated with the operation of the UAV. Another factor that significantly affects the operation of UAVs to a large extent is the legislation itself. A special part was devoted to the legislation in terms of airspace determination, procedures and rules of operation of the UAV. From a legislative point of view, it is currently an important aspect to define the correct and reasonable level between the restrictions in order to increase the safety of operation only on an indispensable scale, not to be very restrictive to operators.
© 2019, Air Transport Department, University of Žilina