Gerlici, JurajLovska, AlyonaVatulia, GlibFomin, OleksijKravchenko, Oleksandr2023-10-052023-10-052023978-80-89276-61-5 efficiency of functioning of the transport industry necessitates the introduction of modern vehicles. Since the main segment of the transportation process is allocated to rail transport, the creation of modern wagon designs must be subject to special requirements. This applies in particular to their load-bearing structures. When designing the load-bearing structures of modern wagons, it is necessary to take into account the specified values of loads that can act on them not only when operating on main tracks, but also in combined railway-ferry transportation. This direction is quite relevant for many European countries that have access to international traffic through water areas of the seas.en OF THE STRENGTH OF THE BODY OF A COVERED WAGON WHEN IT IS FASTENED WITH A NEW DEVICE ON THE DECK OF A RAILWAY FERRYSKÚMANIE PEVNOSTI SKRINE UZAVRETÉHO VOZŇA PRI JEHO UPEVNENÍ POMOCOU NOVÉHO ZARIADENIA NA PALUBE ŽELEZNIČNÉHO TRAJEKTUConference paper