Šlenker, FilipČerňan, Jozef2020-06-192020-06-192020978-80-554-1687-8http://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/127The aim of this paper is to design and construct a starting system for the experimental single-jet engine SHAKER. The first chapter is devoted to theoretical knowledge about turbine engines. It provides information on the principle of engine operation, working cycle and individual parts of the turbine engine. The second chapter describes turbine engine systems. It specifically focuses only on systems that are necessary for the operation of such a small experimental engine. The third chapter describes the design of the SHAKER engine and its parts. The fourth part of the paper includes the methodology and the desing of the starting system modeled on a computer with a 3D CAD software Creo Parametric. The actual implementation of the desing as well as the testing of the starting system are described and documented in the last chapter.skhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/single jet engineSHAKERstarting systemignitionturbine engineNÁVRH A REALIZÁCIA SPÚŠŤACIEHO SYSTÉMU EXPERIMENTÁLNEHO MOTORA SHAKERDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SHAKER EXPERIMENTAL ENGINE STARTING SYSTEMBook of proceedingshttps://doi.org/10.26552/pas.Z.2020.2.21