Chmelan, MatúšNovák, Andrej2024-11-142024 bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of avionic systems and their power sources on board aircraft. It describes the evolution of the basics of avionic systems that have gradually evolved into their modern form and describes the standards that B2 licensees must meet to be authorized to perform maintenance on these systems. It focuses primarily on defining power system requirements from a safety and regulatory perspective. An analysis of glass cockpit designs from five avionics system manufacturers will be performed, comparing the cost, power consumption and compatibility of these products. The set of standards and regulations that each avionics system must meet to be eligible for civil operation will also be summarised. Finally, this thesis raises awareness of the entire process of development, maintenance, certification and operation of avionics systems and their power supplies.otherGlass cockpitclassic avionicselectrical systemPart 66-B2Napájanie avioniky liedadiel s klasickou avionikou a glass kokpitWorking Paper