Dižo, JánBlatnický, MiroslavIshchuk, VadymMolnár, DenisSemenov, StanislavMikhailov, Evgeni2023-10-052023-10-052023978-80-89276-61-5http://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/925Railway transport represents one of the main transportation kind of transport of these days to transfer both passengers and goods. Every day people commute to work and back home using railway transport in a form of subway systems, light rail transits and other types of rail transport. These types of railway transport can create noise both to the passengers inside of the train as well as to the environment [1, 2]. If the pay is attended to noise when a human is on a board of a train, there are more than one noise source that one can hear. The main sources for interior noise in a rail vehicle are turbulent boundary layer, air conditioning noise, engine (or powertrain), auxiliary equipment, rolling noise and aerodynamic noise from bogie [1, 2]enhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/THE NVH ANALYSIS IN RAIL VEHICLES: A LITERATURE REVIEWNVH ANALÝZA V KOĽAJOVÝCH VOZIDLÁCH: PREHĽAD LITERATÚRYConference paperhttps://doi.org/10.26552/spkv.Z.2023.1.07