Gubarevych, OlegGerlici, JurajKravchenko, OleksandrMelkonov, HryhoriyLovska, Alyona2023-10-052023-10-052023978-80-89276-61-5 issue of increasing the efficiency of transportations is an important problem of the railway transport rolling stock. The efficiency of transportation implies, first of all, the ways of reducing the expenditures on the maintenance and operation of transport means, providing timely performance of logistic tasks at the high level of reliability and safety of the services provided.en OF RELIABILITY INDICATORS OF INDUCTION MOTORS FOR ELECTRIC DRIVES OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCKFORMALIZÁCIA UKAZOVATEĽOV SPOĽAHLIVOSTI INDUKČNÝCH MOTOROV PRE ELEKTRICKÉ POHONY ŽELEZNIČNÝCH KOĽAJOVÝCH VOZIDIELConference paper