Horváthová, MichaelaMakovická - Osvaldová, Linda2020-12-012020-12-0120201336-0019http://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/392The article deals with the selection of four types of insulation material based on the particular criteria. Specifically, it will be a matter of decision among facade insulation materials. We chose four species of the most used thermal insulation materials that are available on the market and are used frequently. The applied method is an analytical multilevel method that allows us to divide the whole problem into hierarchies and then compare two elements together and thus gain the weights of the criteria. Subsequently, we assessed the alternatives. The selected criteria are the price of the material, the thermal coefficient conductivity, flammability class and ignition time of the sample. The method is verified in the software BPMSG AHP priority calculator.skhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Multi-criteria decision makingAnalytical multilevel methodInsulation materialAHP Online SystemAplikácia analytickej viacúrovňovej metódy pri výbere zatepľovacieho materiáluApplication of AHP method in the selection of insulation materialArticlehttps://doi.org/10.26552/krm.C.2020.2.21-26