Lavčák, MatúšPuškár, Michal2023-06-212023-06-2120231337-89962730-0501 transportation sector is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for approximately 14 % of all anthropogenic GHG emissions. Despite the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, internal combustion engines (ICEs) continue to dominate the global vehicle fleet, making it essential to find a way to reduce GHG emissions from this sector. One potential solution is the use of efuels, also known as synthetic fuels, which can significantly reduce GHG emissions from transportation. While there are still several challenges associated with their production and use, the benefits of efuels make them a solution worth pursuing. Continued research and development are necessary to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of efuel production and to ensure that they are a sustainable and environmentally responsible solution for the future of transportation. This paper will explore efuels and their potential to decarbonize the transportation sector.sk fuelscarbonneutralitySyntetické palivá a uhlíková neutralitaSynthetic fuels and carbon neutralityArticle