Badánik, BenediktReménységová, Rebeka2020-06-192020-06-192020978-80-554-1686-1 paper focuses on the future roles of air navigation service providers (ANSP). It describes the future structure of airspace and recognizes the need for improvement. The traditional role of ANSP is explained in the first chapter. It discusses the evolution of air navigation services from their dawn in 1920s. Additionally, it talks about the functions of ANSP and discusses their alliances and the trend of developing industrial partnerships instead of political. The differences between European and American air traffic control are reviewed, and the advantages of each system are described. The next chapter thoroughly explains the current airspace architecture, identifies its flaws, and shows possible solutions in the form of Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) or, on a theoretical level, Functional Airspace Blocks FABs. The third chapter discusses the challenges and opportunities of the future air traffic management (ATM) architecture, with main focus on ANSP charges, civil and military cooperation and the responsibilities of ANSP during a worldwide pandemic. The fourth chapter is based around new concepts and roles. It explains the concepts of ATM Data Service Provider (ADSP), System Wide Information Management (SWIM), Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and initiatives of Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR). It also outlines the tasks of the Wise Peron Group. Furthermore, in the final chapter, potential business models for ANSP are explained and categorized. Using SWOT analyzes the best potential model is chosen for the ANSP of Slovakia.sk conceptair navigationservicessingle european skysefragmentationFABsTBOSESARSWIMZMENY ÚLOH ANSP V BUDÚCOM PROSTREDÍ ATMCHANGING ROLE OF ANSP IN THE FUTURE ATM ENVIRONMENTBook of proceedings