Galieriková, AndreaMaterna, MatúšSosedová, Jarmila2020-07-012020-07-0120202644-495X and civil aviation security is a global problem posed by terrorism and unlawful acts and as such it requires global attention and global solutions that only the respective international organisations (International Maritime Organisation and the International Civil Aviation Organisation) can provide. The terrorist attacks of 11th of September 2001 has started a new period of history. This period can be characterised as instable, unpredictable and reshaping of comples systems, including new types of threats. The main objective of the paper is to analyse and compare the most serious types of unlawful acts (piracy and terrorism) with the regard to the legislative and jurisdiction. Particular consideration is given to unlawful acts on the sea and in airspace above the sea for comparability of legal phenomena.sk piracyterrorismunlawful actscivil aviationUNLAWFUL ACTS IN MARITIME AND AIR TRANSPORTPROTIPRÁVNE ČINY V NÁMORNEJ DOPRAVE A LETECTVEBook of proceedings