Čerňan, JozefJanovec, MichalCúttová, Miroslava2020-07-012020-07-012020http://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/197The operation of jet engines in aviation is a very challenging task also in view of the high demands on the safety of such an operation. One of the most dangerous phenomena that affects the safe operation of these engines is the unstable work of the compressor. The object of the research in this article is to find appropriate and simple way to improve heat resistance of the MPM-20 experimental engine components, suffered by high thermal load, which resulted in the destruction of its gas turbine. A metallographic and microscopic analysis was carried out on the experimental specimens improved by TBC coating for decreasing of thermal conductivity. The results of experiments with TBC coatings shows decrease of the sample temperature for samples covered with TBC coating comparing to samples withou it. This fact can contribute to the development of new surface treatment of jet engine components with higher heat resistance and better reliability.skhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Turbine damageheat resistancesafe operationTBC coatingANALYSIS OF JET ENGINE COMPONENTS HEAT RESISTANCE IMPROVEMENT BY TBC COATINGANALÝZA ZLEPŠENIA ŽIARUVZDORNOSTI KOMPONENTOV TURBÍNOVÉHO MOTORA POMOCOU TBC POVLAKUBook of proceedingshttps://doi.org/10.26552/zbk.Z.2020.1.12