Kubás, Jozef2023-04-242023-04-2420221336-00192730-0544http://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/835Protection of life, health, property and environment of the inhabitants is a need of all countries in the world. In order for states to be able to manage difficult crisis phenomena, it is necessary to have support in the law. In Slovakia, there are several states of crisis that can be declared or terminated under certain circumstances. The article is focused on the analysis of individual laws that deal with the issue of crisis situations. The article also analyzes individual crisis situations that existed in Slovakia during a certain period. The issue of crisis situations is supplemented by comparative tables of extraordinary events and II. and III. degree of flood activity. These events often precede the declaration of a state of crisis. During II and III. degree of flood activity, rescue works are carried out to prevent the occurrence of floods. That is why the article is supplemented with an analysis of these case in the environment of the Slovak Republic.skhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/crisis situationcrisis eventcivil protectionsecurityquality of lifeKrízové situácie v prostredí Slovenskej republikyArticlehttps://doi.org/10.26552/krm.C.2022.2.5-10