Tomová jr., AnnaNovák Sedláčková, Alena2020-09-102020-09-1020201338-8215 air carriers are a specific segment of commercial civil aviation. They mainly operated on shorter distance markets and markets with lower demand. They are characterized by different models of cooperation with traditional airlines and are characterized by a unique fleet with smaller capacity aircraft. This paper will be focused on the profile of the regional air carrier from the USA- Mesa Airlines, in terms of selected attributes of the business model, operational and economic development in relation to the reverse load factor as well on current US federal governments state aid to US air carriers during the coronary crisis in 2020.sk air carrierbreak-even load factorstate aidCOVID-19operating profitPRÍPADOVÁ ŠTÚDIA REGIONÁLNEHO LETECKÉHO DOPRAVCU- MESA AIRLINESCASE STUDY OF REGIONAL AIR CARRIER -MESA AIRLINESArticle