Goldschmidt, JakubČerňan, Jozef2020-06-192020-06-192020978-80-554-1686-1 purpose of this paper is to refer to possibilities of increasing the power of the aircraft piston engine. In the first part of this thesis I analyze and point out, what in general aircraft piston engine is, what parts the engine is consisted of, and what types of piston engine we know. Further, it is focused on the types of these engines as well as the differences between them. At the core of this thesis I describe the possibilities for increasing the short-term power, or long-term power of the engines, their history and also their advantages and disadvantages.sk engineenhancing of powerinjecting of watersuperchargingtuned exhaust pipesMOŽNOSTI ZVYŠOVANIA VÝKONU LETECKÝCH PIESTOVÝCH MOTOROV A ICH VÝVOJPOSSIBILITIES OF INCREASING THE POWER OF THE AIRCRAFT PISTON ENGINE AND ITS DEVELOPMENTBook of proceedings