Boroš, MartinMach, Vlastimil2021-06-252021-06-2520211336-0019 authors describe the conditions for implementing the tests of mechanical barriers that can be used to protect protected objects. They describe examinations that can be performed directly in the conditions of the Department of Security Management of the Faculty of Security Engineering of the University of Žilina. Moreover, they also present other tests of mechanical barriers, which are not feasible at the Faculty due to insufficient equipment of the test areas. These tests are performed at Certest s.r.o. Žilina - Bytčica, with whom the Department has been cooperating for a long time in organizing various events, including a regular workshop Security Forum.sk barriersPerimeter protectionSheath protectionLock insertTestovanie mechanických zábranných prostriedkov v podmienkach Fakulty bezpečnostného inžinierstva Žilinskej univerzityArticle