Tomášek, Martin2021-06-252021-06-2520211336-0019 article deals with the analysis of emergency incidents of fire protection units in the district of Cheb. The first part of the article deals with the organization of fire protection units and their firefighting areas within the district of Cheb. A considerable part of the article focuses also on the cross-border cooperation with the fire protection units on the other side of the state border. The practical part of the article deals with the statistics of emergency incidents of fire protection units. These emergency incidents have been furthermore analysed in detail according to their type. The following part analyses the emergency incidents of fire protection units in the border area on both sides of the state border. The final part of the article evaluates the results of the analysis of emergency incidents of fire protection units. On the basis of these results improvements in the field of human resources, financial security or technical means for more effective emergency management have been proposed.sk incidentFire protection unitsBorder areaAnalýza výjezdové činnosti jednotek požární ochrany na území okresu Cheb a v příhraniční oblastiArticle