Pancurák, DanielBraciník, Tomáš2020-06-192020-06-192020978-80-554-1686-1 to modernization of aircraft fleet of Letecko vzdelávacie centrum with new planes Zlín Z-242L manufactured by Zlín Aircraft it was necessary to create new study materials for students which will be in practical flight training. These materials are necessary for theoretical preparation before student’s first flight on this type of aircraft. Since original materials supplied by manufacturer are extensive and contain information mainly for technicians and maintenance, it was necessary to create new materials, which would contain information which are most important for pilot. These materials contain most important information about structure of aircraft, systems, performance, and equipment with which is aircraft equipped. This aircraft is modernized version of its predecessor Zlín Z-142. This modernization was necessary due to new regulations and implementations in flight training and due to age of older aircrafts.sk partdescription of systemsavionicsNÁVRH MATERIÁLNEJ ČASTI V SÚLADE S LETOVOU PRÍRUČKOU A MANUÁLOM NA ÚDRŽBU LIETADIEL Z-242LAPPLICATION OF THE MATERIAL PART CONFORMABLE WITH AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL OF THE Z-242LBook of proceedings