Novakov, MárioČerňan, Jozef2020-06-192020-06-192020978-80-554-1687-8 is dedicated to TBC protective elements, which are used to increase heat resistance of materials used in aircraft turbine engines. In individual sections are described in detail methods of protection and increase in heat resistance using TBC materials further described in the paper. Protective elements are applied to combustion chamber and the assembly behind it – turbine and exhaust nozzle of the jet engine. Paper is dedicated to general theory of turbine engine parts, TBC layers and final experiment. Significance of these TBC layers and comparison of the same material with and without TBC layer will be aim of the experiment with thermal camera and gas burner which will simulate environment of combustion chamber.sk chamberbladesturbinetemperatureTBC VRSTVY A ICH VPLYV NA ZVYŠOVANIE TEPELNEJ ODOLNOSTI MATERIÁLOVTBC LAYERS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON INCREASING THE THERMAL RESISTANCE OF MATERIALSBook of proceedings