Šťastniak, PavolGerlici, JurajDižo, JánBlatnický, MiroslavKravchenko, Kateryna2023-06-212023-06-2120231337-89962730-0501http://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/850The paper deals with the dynamic analysis and evaluation of the driving characteristics of the selected railway vehicle through computer simulations on virtual and mathematical models. Approaches and methodology from the point of view of creating a virtual model of a railway vehicle as a multi-body system are described in detail., its components and their interrelationships, with the help of which it is possible to obtain the results of a simulated driving of a vehicle with specified parameters of the mechanical system of the vehicle and the track. Practical calculations are performed using the Simpack computer program.skhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/railway vehicledynamic analysisride propertiescomputer simulationSimpackSkúmanie jazdných vlastností koľajového vozidla a vzájomného pôsobenia kontaktu koleso/koľajnica pomocou simulačných výpočtovRailway vehicle ride properties investigation and influencing the wheel/rail contact interaction by means of simulation computationsArticlehttps://doi.org/10.26552/tech.C.2023.2.13