Dvoran, FilipČerňan, Jozef2020-06-302020-06-302020978-80-554-1686-1http://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/181This paper aims to familiarize the reader with modifications of the engine parts of a light-sport aircraft necessary for aerial acrobatics. Modifications relating to the performance, operational capability, and resistance to the negative effects of the gravitational acceleration of acrobatic maneuvers to which the aircraft is subjected. First of all, the necessity of modification for the aircraft and its principle of operation is explained in the individual chapters. The secondary objective of the work is to introduce the design possibilities offered by manufacturing companies operating on the market, with the intention of the best product selection in the construction of acrobatic aircraft, with special requirements. The intention is to point out the factors that have to be taken into account when selecting products with their subsequent comparison in terms of technology used by the company for the best performance of the aircraft. The last chapter deals with the issue of aviation electrification, its use in aerobatic sports, and the advantages that the electric motor brings.skhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/invert systemgravitational accelerationsengine powerconstruction materialelectric motorPOHONNÉ JEDNOTKY AKROBATICKÝCH LIETADIELPOWERTRAIN OF AEROBATIC AIRCRAFTBook of proceedingshttps://doi.org/10.26552/pas.Z.2020.1.7