Korzec, IzabelaŁusiak, TomaszBugaj, Martin2020-07-012020-07-0120202644-495Xhttp://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/192This presentation shows certain number of material samples composite with different polymer reinforcement and weave, made by the manual lamination method under certain conditions. The samples have been made under laboratory conditions. In turn, the purpose of experimental testing was to determine mechanical properties such as: microstructure of laminates, hardness tensile and compressive strength. At the beginning of this work the terminology of the word composite and its division is described. In the next part of the work is information on the reinforcements used to obtain composite materials, their manufacturing methods, and their main application in industry. Chapters (own research) describes the results of the conducted research microstructure of composite laminates, hardness measurement results were analyzed. The analysis of the obtained strength results was carried out using the Shore'a method and the analysis of the obtained strength results for stretching and squeezing. The obtained results are presented in the diploma thesis in graphic form, then described and compared.otherhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/CompositemethodmicrostructuregyroplaneAPPLICATION CONCEPT FOR THE NEW COMPOSITE MATERIAL FOR THE ROTORCRAFTKONCEPCJA ZASTOSOWANIA NOWEGO MATERIAŁU KOMPOZYTOWEGO DO WIROPŁATUBook of proceedingshttps://doi.org/10.26552/zbk.Z.2020.1.17