Mariňak, RóbertBraciník, Tomáš2020-06-192020-06-192020978-80-554-1686-1 maintenance is nowadays a very demanding and precise job that requires professional and qualified personnel. In order of carrying this job out efficiently, the maintenance staff needs high quality and up to date materials, to use while doing their work. The aim of this bachelor′s thesis is to create material that should guide, unify and facilitate the overall process of maintenance procedures of aircraft type Zlin Z 242 L, which recently became part of the fleet of the Aviation Training and Education Centre of the University of Žilina. In our study, we worked with official materials from ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s. and together with legal norms and valid regulations we tried to create a basis for the design of the job cards for regular inspections. We were looking for a compromise between the standards and the specific requirements of LVVC ŽU. After a tough examination of all aspects, having an influence on the necessary technological procedures, we came to the final design of the job cards of regular inspections of type A, B and the design of job cards of special inspections. This job cards design should enable professional staff to carry out maintenance work directly and clearly and ensure that they can be checked at each stage of the inspection.sk cardsdesignZlinmaintenance manualZLIN AIRCRATmaintenance staffVYPRACOVANIE TECHNOLOGICKÝCH POSTUPOV ÚDRŽBY PRE LIETADLO ZLÍN Z 242 L PRE POTREBY LVVC ŽUELABORATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FOR THE ZLIN Z 242 L AIRCRAFT FOR NEEDS OF LVVC ŽUBook of proceedings