Recent Submissions

  • AEROjournal - celé číslo 1/2021  

    Unknown author (University of Žilina, 2021)
  • Rovnosť pohlaví v sektore civilného letectva a postavenie žien-obchodných pilotiek 

    Remencová, Tatiana; Škvareková, Iveta; Novák Sedláčková, Alena (University of Žilina, 2021)
    This article deals with the issue of the position of women in civil aviation sector regarding gender equality in the position of commercial pilot. The article is focused on the position of women and men in aviation sector ...
  • Letecká doprava v době koronavirové pandemie a její další perspektivy 

    Kuna, Zbyněk (University of Žilina, 2021)
    The paper focuses on world air transport. Its development and new tendencies are recalled. The main attention is paid to consequences of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic on world air transport and international tourism, including ...
  • Prototyp simulátora letového environmentálneho laboratória Evirolab 

    Janovec, Michal; Materna, Matúš; Pecho, Pavol; Kandera, Branislav; Radosa, Filip (University of Žilina, 2021)
    The aim of this paper is to create a solid structural platform for the placement of computer equipment and other computer accessories to create a flight simulator from scratch. The simulator will be designed to help pilots ...
  • Rozbor bezpečnosti letov UAV a konspekt aktuálnych legislatívnych požiadaviek 

    Škultéty, Filip; Kandera, Branislav; Janovec, Michal (University of Žilina, 2021)
    Despite the recent legislation, which has been formed in the last five years to its current form, the safety for the UAV operation is borne by the pilot, as he/she is the one who is responsible for the direction of UAV ...
  • Previerka osoby od roku 2022 

    Lysina, Karol; Kandera, Branislav (University of Žilina, 2021)
    Civil aviation is constantly evolving, undergoing various changes. A background check of a person as a part of aviation security processes is no exception. This paper which deals with the issue of background check of a ...