Now showing items 465-484 of 487

    • Vplyv teploty na Barkhausenov šum v Co a Gd 

      Neslušan, Miroslav; Čížek, Jakub; Mičietová, Anna; Čilliková, Mária (University of Žilina, 2024)
      The present paper deals with Barkhausen noise emission in Gd. Barkhausen noise emission was investigated in the temperature range mainly below the Gd Curie temperature when the spontaneous magnetization in Gd occurs. ...
    • Vplyv Ti na mechanické a fyzikálne vlastnosti AlSi5Cu2MG zliatiny 

      Sýkorová, Martina; Bolibruchová, Dana (University of Žilina, 2024)
      The hypoeutectic aluminum alloy AlSi5Cu2Mg is used in the field of high-strength cylinder head castings for the automotive sector due to its favorable combination of mechanical, physical, and foundry properties. The ...
    • Vplyv tvaru telesa na deformáciu čelného ozubenia 

      Maláková, Silvia; Kepeň Harachová, Daniela; Krajňák, Jozef (University of Žilina, 2024)
      The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of the basic parameters of the body of the spur gear on the deformation of the teeth in meshing. The problem is solved for spur gears of large dimensions, the semi ...
    • Vplyv vysokej prevádzkovej teploty na funkčnosť ložísk 

      Kantoríková, Elena (University of Žilina, 2023)
      Rolling bearings are among the most important parts of machines and equipment. Many malfunctions in operation can be prevented by the correct choice of bearing, regular inspection and maintenance. The failure rate of the ...
    • Vybrané problémy hasičských jednotiek pri zdolávaní požiarov elektromobilov 

      Konárik, Milan; Ballay, Michal; Svetlík, Jozef; Kalužník, Dávid (University of Žilina, 2023)
      The article deals with the topic of electric cars. In the introductory part, the development of the number of electric powered assenger vehicles within the European Union and the Slovak Republic is analyzed. The main part ...
    • Vyhodnocení reálných záznamů jízdy k zásahům z pohledu dynamiky jízdy 

      Jánošík, Ladislav; Jánošíková, Ivana; Jonová, Karolína; Nováček, Vítězoslav; Poledňák, Pavel; Šudrychová, Izabela (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023)
      The paper briefly informs about the content, solution procedures, and selected results of the student grant competition project entitled “Verification of driving characteristics of firefighting vehicles of type water ...
    • Vyhodnocení součinitele adheze vybraných pneumatik pro zásahový požární automobil 

      Jánošík, Ladislav; Jánošíková, Ivana; Poledňák, Pavel; Šudrychová, Izabela (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      The paper summarizes the results of testing and evaluation of the suitability of three selected types of tires for emergency fire trucks at units of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. The testing focused ...
    • Vyladenie mechanickej sústavy pohonu piestového kompresora z hľadiska veľkosti torzného kmitania 

      Urbanský, Matej; Kaššay, Peter (University of Žilina, 2024)
      One of possible ways to change the amount of compressed air delivered by a piston compressor is to change its operating speed. However, it can cause an improper tuning of the mechanical system of piston compressor drive ...

      Decký, Martin; Ďuriš, Lukáš; Kováč, Matúš (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020)
      The paper presents the outputs of the staff of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Research Center UNIZA in the field of laser scanning of pavements for the purposes of pavement management (PM). Credibility objectification ...
    • Využitie nových technológií pri monitorovaní kritickej infraštruktúry 

      Miške, Michal; Figuli, Lucia; Dvořák, Zdeněk (University of Žilina, 2023)
      In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the assessment of critical infrastructure resilience has also entered a new age. The incorporation of cutting-edge technologies into the evaluation process has ...

      Košťálová, Alena; Pavličko, Michal; Sopková, Zuzana (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015)
      The article is dedicated to the proposal of optimal composition factors in determining of the amount of Compulsory Contractual Motor Vehicle Third Party Liability Insurance in the selected insurance companies. The goal ...
    • Využitie údajov DPZ pre zachovanie funkcií lesa 

      Bobáľ, Peter; Hilbert, Radovan; Sunega, Radovan; Mišovič, Tomáš; Gemela, Boris (University of Zilina, 2022)
      The forest is a natural system that fulfills different functions in relation to human society. To ensure long-term maintainability of forest functions it is necessary to monitor of forest on regular basis and subsequently ...
    • Využitie virtuálnej reality vo výučbe v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci 

      Mitašová, Veronika; Košútová, Katarína; Cidlinová, Anna (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      Development and progress in education involve the usage of new methods and tools. An effective way of acquiring new skills and knowledge is the application of augmented reality or virtual reality. It is also confirmed by ...
    • Využitie vybraných metód operačného výskumu pri plánovaní ochrany síl vo vzdušných operáciách 

      Bakič, Martin (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2021)
      At the beginning of the article, we characterize the purpose, conditions, utilization and objectives of force protection for air operations. We focus on selected modern methods applicable in the planning process of force ...
    • Vyvolanie scitlivenia na koróziivzdornej oceli 1.4845 

      Kaličiak, Samuel; Kantoríková, Elena; Bolibruchová, Dana (University of Žilina, 2023)
      The experiment is focused on the influence of heat treatment, solution annealing and subsequent sensitization of stainless steel 1.4845. In the experiment, a suitable thermal cycle of solution annealing and subsequent ...
    • Výcvik pilotov bezpilotných prostriedkov 

      Kováčiková, Kristína; Kandera, Branislav; Kováčiková, Martina (University of Zilina, 2022)
      Unmanned aerial vehicles are a part of a fast-growing aviation sector that has the potential to create new jobs as well as economic growth in the individual countries of the European Union. Unmanned aerial vehicle is a ...
    • Výroba ozubených kolies pomocou 3D tlače 

      Maláková, Silvia; Kepeň Harachová, Daniela; Sivák, Samuel (University of Žilina, 2023)
      Gear transmission can consist of gear wheels that are made of different materials and technologies. The manufacturing process of gear wheels depends mainly on the required properties and the choice of material. Less ...
    • Výskum hybridných hliníkových odliatkov s použitím penových jadier 

      Medňanský, Martin; Brůna, Marek (University of Žilina, 2024)
      The paper focuses on the technological challenges posed by the production of experimental hybrid castings by overcasting technology. Theoretically, using this technology provides lower casting weight while maintaining ...
    • Vývoj komunikačního prostředí simulátoru na podporu řešení krizových situací 

      Barta, Jiří; Kalenda, Jiří (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020)
      Exercises of the crisis management authorities, which test and verify both plans and capabilities, form part of the crisis preparedness. This article deals with the preparation and implementation of the exercise of crisis ...
    • Workshop production management methods 

      Zuzik, Ján; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Gašo, Martin; Furmannová, Beáta; Kasajová, Marta (2024)
      The contribution is devoted to a mechanical engineering company, then the methods of workshop production management and the systems that are used in this management are discussed in detail. At the beginning of the practical ...