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Návrh riešenia odstupových vzdialeností požiarnym modelom
(University of Žilina, 2024) Hodúlová, Dorota; Gašpercová, Stanislava
This paper presents a case study of a selected aspect of the fire safety solution for buildings, namely stand-off distances. This issue is addressed in two ways, a prescriptive approach using STN 92 0201 - 4 and using the PyroSim modelling tool. The paper contains a description of the calculation of stand-off distances using the prescriptive approach and a description of the determination of stand-off distances using the PyroSim modelling tool with a comparison of the results of the stand-off distances for a selected area of an apartment. This paper aims to highlight the differences that arise in the determination of spacing distances when some input data are changed and to compare them with the results with simulations.
Využívanie prvkov riadenia rizík pre oblasť športových zranení v kontexte zlepšovania športových výkonov
(University of Žilina, 2024) Furiak, Kristián
The growing popularity of sports among the general public creates favourable conditions for the development of sports clubs, which, however, entails many aspects and risk factors with the potential to fundamentally affect the activities and functioning of sports organisations. Given that the sports sector within the Slovak Republic accounts for a significant number of jobs and a share of the national economy, it is in the general interest to address the improvement of conditions and long-term development of sports organisations. Globalisation in the current sports sector inevitably leads to growing competition on the international scene and brings new challenges. One of the fundamental conditions for the success of sports organisations is the satisfactory performance of their athletes. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the possibilities of implementing risk management frameworks and practices to improve athletes' conditions, especially in the context of the issue of sports injuries. To this end, empirical research procedures were applied, based primarily on the study of literature and the application of scientific procedures of analysis, comparison, induction and deduction. The output will be a proposal of framework procedures for the transformation of standard management methods for their use in the field of sports injury management. The success of a sports organization is contingent on satisfactory sports performance, which depends on optimal conditions for the preparation, health and development of athletes. Therefore, it is advisable to look for ways to systematically and significantly reduce the risks associated with them.
Kontinuita podnikania ako strategický nástroj v nestabilnom prostredí
(University of Žilina, 2024) Kampová, Katarína; Mariš, Ladislav; Lusková, Mária; Dolnák, Ivan
Business continuity management (BCM) has become a critical element in corporate strategy, ensuring organizations are equipped to handle and recover from disruptive incidents and crises. The core of BCM is the business impact analysis (BIA), which assesses the potential consequences of business interruptions to determine the maximum acceptable outage (MAO) critical for designing recovery strategies. This article discusses the application of BIA alongside risk assessment to create a comprehensive framework for organizations to anticipate and prepare for threats, exemplified through a simplified case study that demonstrates how these tools can enhance a company's resilience to unforeseen events.
Aspekty mravnostnej kriminality v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky
(University of Žilina, 2024) Adamová, Veronika; Šoltés, Viktor
In the presented article, we focused on the phenomenology of moral criminality in the conditions of the Slovak Republic, primarily derived from statistical data maintained by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Emphasis was placed primarily on the analysis of the state and elucidation of selected offenses of moral criminality, their level, dynamics, and structure. The first chapter describes the fundamental theoretical foundations of the issue from the perspective of criminology (etiology of moral criminality), as well as from the perspective of criminalistics. From a criminalistic perspective, we focused on describing the criminalistic characteristics of moral offenses, which significantly contribute to understanding the causes and conditions of committing these offenses and contribute to the formulation of effective preventive measures. The result of the research and analysis is the recognition of the phenomenology of the selected criminality in domestic conditions and the description of a possible procedure and process for the prevention of moral criminality.