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Technológ - celé číslo 1/2025
(University of Žilina, 2025)
Ochrana kovových materiálov pred chemickým vplyvom prostredia pri ohreve
(University of Žilina, 2025) Kantoríková, Elena
Protecting metal components from chemical influences during heat treatment is important due to corrosion, where metals can react at high temperatures and subsequently weaken the component. Due to oxidation, metals can oxidize, meaning they react with oxygen in the air. This process can create oxide layers that can be brittle and peel off, exposing fresh metal that can further oxidize. Chemical reactions can change the structure of the metal, leading to its weakening and increased susceptibility to mechanical damage.
Hydraulický ráz a jeho aplikácie v tvárnení
(University of Žilina, 2025) Moravec, Ján
The presented paper discusses the issue of the possibility of forming metals using hydraulic shock. The first part of the text presents the necessary theoretical knowledge about the issue. The second part presents some solutions of this advanced metal forming technology.
Analýza merania optickým 3D skenerom a výsledky merania bezšvíkových oceľových rúr ťahaných za studena
(University of Žilina, 2025) Morovič, Ladislav; Bílik, Jozef; Havran, Filip
The paper explores the application of a non-contact measurement technique - optical 3D digitization (active triangulation/structured light method) - for determining the dimensions (outer and inner diameters) of seamless cold-drawn steel tubes. The paper focuses on three areas of steel tube measurement by 3D digitization: (1) evaluation of the measured values using two different measuring volumes, (2) evaluation of the measured values with different 3D digitization parameter settings, (3) Computer Aided Design (CAD) comparison. The outcomes of the measurements and insights gained provide valuable guidance in selecting the appropriate 3D digitization method for seamless steel tube measurement.
Porovnanie systémov prenosu výkonu koľajových vozidiel s nezávislou trakciou
(University of Žilina, 2025) Bučko, Martin; Samaš, Vladimír; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav
The article deals with independent traction rail vehicles, mainly the power transmission type. The advantages and disadvantages of different types of power transmission for independent traction vehicles are compared, including the use of a particular type in each category of rail vehicles and a schematic illustration.