Zobrazujú sa záznamy 261-280 z 962

    • Využitie virtuálnej reality vo výučbe v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci 

      Mitašová, Veronika; Košútová, Katarína; Cidlinová, Anna (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      Development and progress in education involve the usage of new methods and tools. An effective way of acquiring new skills and knowledge is the application of augmented reality or virtual reality. It is also confirmed by ...
    • Možné využití rozšířené reality u Policie České republiky 

      Džermanský, Martin (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      The article deals with the possibilities of applying augmented reality technology to the Police of the Czech Republic. With growing technologies and the need to face increasingly complex emergencies and crises, it is ...
    • Súčasné problémy a výzvy v bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci v Európskej únii a novovznikajúce riziká 

      Ďaďová, Alena; Michalík, David; Košutová, Katarína; Cidlinová, Anna; Vala, Jiří (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      The article presents the conclusions of the ESNER surveys at the European level, with the primary goal of deriving the necessary lessons for the next period. These are subsequently transformed into strategic documents of ...
    • Testovanie trasovacieho systému v uzavretom priestore 

      Skýpalová, Erika; Loveček, Tomáš (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      The article focuses on the reliability investigation of the tracking system in a confined space concerning the quality of the received signal. Positioning in the outdoor environment allows us to reach any destination without ...
    • Testovanie pripravenosti na phishingový útok v zdravotníckych zariadeniach 

      Madleňák, Matúš; Kampová, Katarína (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      This article deals with testing the preparedness of a selected group of users for phishing attacks. It consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part defines the basic framework of phishing attacks. ...
    • Metodika získavania vonkajšej geometrie segmentov novej generácie skúšobnej figuríny 

      Adamová, Veronika; Kolla, Eduard (2022)
      The article presents the fulfilment of a partial goal of the research project focused on developing and constructing a biofidelic surrogate of the human body to improve the forensic reconstruction of road traffic accidents. ...
    • Mobilné modulárne centrum pre riadenie hraníc v krízových situáciách 

      Košč, Ivan; Odler, Robert; Galba, Juraj; Koščová, Michaela; Gebeová, Klára (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      The presented research aims to solve the problematics of the international migration management in the way of a Mobile modular center research and development. The general aim of the proposed Mobile modular center for the ...
    • Aktívna a pasívna bezpečnosť: vozidlá 

      Vertaľ, Peter (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      Dopravné nehody vozidiel sú veľmi častým javom, s ktorým sa bežne stretávame v premávke. Vďaka implementácii moderných prístupov v konštrukcii vozidiel je dlhodobý trend poklesu dopravných nehôd. S nástupom automatizovanej, ...
    • Aktívna a pasívna bezpečnosť: chodci 

      Vertaľ, Peter (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
      Problematika aktívnej a pasívnej bezpečnosti chodcov je často diskutovanou témou v oblasti prevencie dopravných nehôd a následkov spôsobených dopravnou nehodou. Vývoj v oblasti aktívnej bezpečnosti si kladie za cieľ ...
    • AEROjournal - celé číslo 2/2022 

      Neznámy autor (2022)
    • Sustainable aviation fuel from the perspective of long-term sustainability and development 

      Šajbanová, Kristína; Janovec, Michal; Zachar Kuchtová, Jana (University of Žilina, 2022)
      The aim of the article is to create a SWOT analysis of the position of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) as an innovative available product on the aviation fuel market and to evaluate its development and application in the ...
    • AMSS in Europe 

      Novák, Andrej; Kováčiková, Kristína (University of Žilina, 2022)
      Nowadays, technology is developing rapidly, therefore satellite and aviation systems need to keep pace with modern trends and new technology. The paper is focused on satellite systems and aviation systems. Based on analysis ...
    • Deployment of enviro system for obtaining geospatial data for forest monitoring and improving forest management and protection 

      Materna, Matúš; Novák, Andrej; Badánik, Benedikt; Kandera, Branislav (University of Žilina, 2022)
      Paper describes deployment of ENVIRO System used for obtaining geospatial data for forest monitoring and improving forest anagement. Two main parts of ENVIRO system – Aerial segment and ground segment are described based ...
    • Technológ - celé číslo 1/2023 

      Neznámy autor (University of Žilina, 2023)
    • Dodatočné spracovanie spekaných materiálov 

      Kantoríková, Elena (University of Žilina, 2023)
      Powder metallurgy is a method of producing materials and products with required properties and required exact shapes. The development of new materials contributes to this. The general advantage of powder metallurgy is ...
    • Návrh programu pre automatické vyhodnotenie obrazu výtlačku zosnímaného CCD kamerou 

      Pijáková, Katarína; Štalmach, Ondrej; Sága, Milan; Vaško, Milan (University of Žilina, 2023)
      The aim is to create a program for the automatic evaluation of hardness from a series of images taken by a CCD camera. We will present the different functions of the proposed program. In the first step, we created an ...
    • Prehľad doterajšieho výskumu výroby harmonického prevodu 

      Kepeň Harachová, Daniela; Maláková, Silvia; Sivák, Samuel (University of Žilina, 2023)
      Harmonic Drive, also called Harmonic Drive gear, harmonic gear, or strain wave gearing, mechanical speed-changing device, invented in the 1950s, that reduces the gear ratio of a rotary machine to increase torque. It ...
    • Tvárnenie v hydraulickom prostredí explóziou 

      Moravec, Ján (University of Žilina, 2023)
      The article describes and analyses the issue of explosive sheet metal forming in a hydro environment. In the introductory part, the necessary theoretical and technological knowledge is presented, which is necessary as ...
    • Manévrovateľnosť a stabilita pohybu kĺbového autobusu, systém HST 

      Sakhno, Volodymyr; Gerlici, Juraj; Kravchenko, Oleksandr; Poljakov, Viktor; Chovcha, Iryna; Dižo, Ján (University of Žilina, 2023)
      The mathematical model of a hinged-rear bus with a system of turning a hook-and-loop section for a dynamic way of turning is broken down. For the developed model, indicators of manoeuvrability and stability of the bus ...
    • Uzatváranie koncov rúr v tvarovej lisovnici 

      Moravec, Ján (University of Žilina, 2023)
      The paper describes the issue of closing pipe ends in a pressing tool specially designed for this work. Theoretical relations from the theory of forming form the necessary basis for the subsequent design of the tool. ...