AEROjournal - ročník 16.; číslo 2/2020

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    Study of reinforcement design h-profile of aircraft wing spar
    (University of Zilina, 2020) Pecho, Pavol; Magdolenová, Paulína; Hrúz, Michal; Kováčik, Pavel; Škvareková, Iveta
    In today's world, with ever-increasing safety requirements, there is a growing demand to maintain or reduce production costs. In aviation, in addition to factors like weight and related variables such as resistance to vibration, corrosion, temperature and other are also considered. The task of this paper is to analyse unconventional designs of wing beams with respect to the current requirements of the aviation industry. In the article, the authors analyse the possibilities of design modification either by adding ribs to the profile, or by changing the cross-section of the profile itself. In practice, such design changes would increase weight, production time and finances, but also increase strength and thus safety. All proposed changes were subjected to strength analyses by FEM (Finite element method) computer simulations. The article output is the selection of suitable designs for further observation and experimental verification to ensure comprehensive results for the possibility of implementation in practice. Despite the non-traditional shapes of the proposed wing beam cross-sections, the authors assume that traditional beam shapes will be gradually modified more efficiently.