Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Methodical manual for flight according to PBN
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Novák, Andrej; Jůn, František
    Work dealing with the professional topic of PBN issues and its use within the University of Žilina in Žilina. The division of the work is 4 content units, each of which describes a different area of the issue. In the first chapter, the author analyzes certified navigation devices and their functionality within the PBN concept. The chapter describes the basic radio navigation equipment, which we include in the concept of PBN, namely VOR, DME, but also satellite navigation systems GNSS, ABAS, GBAS, SBAS. And in summary, use of these systems in the PBN concept. The next chapter describes the theoretical knowledge that a student should have in flight according to PBN. It describes the theoretical background that a pilot needs to perform such a flight. Every pilot who starts practical flying should have studied the facts given in this chapter. In the third chapter, the reader will learn about the differences between flying a real aircraft and between simulator flying during PBN training. It describes the execution of the flight according to PBN, which is helpful before starting the simulator training. The simulator is an important part of the training and should therefore be given the same level of attention. The last part of this work summarizes the facts from the previous chapters and uses this knowledge in their implementation in flight procedures. When reading this chapter, it is necessary to use your knowledge of practical training. The aim of this work is to create a framework for the future methodological manual for PBN training. The main goal of this work is to bring the issue closer to the reader, to acquaint him with the issue of PBN flying.