Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Rozbor bezpečnosti letov UAV a konspekt aktuálnych legislatívnych požiadaviek
    (University of Žilina, 2021) Škultéty, Filip; Kandera, Branislav; Janovec, Michal
    Despite the recent legislation, which has been formed in the last five years to its current form, the safety for the UAV operation is borne by the pilot, as he/she is the one who is responsible for the direction of UAV movement thus for any collision. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the safety of UAV operations outside the duties and competencies of the pilot at a distance, for example, through anti-collision systems and air traffic management systems. This article was initially focused on analysing aviation events in Slovakia associated with the operation of the UAV. Another factor that significantly affects the operation of UAVs to a large extent is the legislation itself. A special part was devoted to the legislation in terms of airspace determination, procedures and rules of operation of the UAV. From a legislative point of view, it is currently an important aspect to define the correct and reasonable level between the restrictions in order to increase the safety of operation only on an indispensable scale, not to be very restrictive to operators.
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    Implementation of SMS into theoretical and practical MCC training
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Petríková, Michaela; Jůn, František
    The main goal of my paper is to implement safety management system into theoretical and practical MCC training. I was inspired for finishing this paper by my own integrated ATPL training at University of Žilina. Work is divided into three main parts. The first part of the paper is theory of safety management system, safety in aviation, loss of control and controlled flight into terrain. Five air accidents are characterized and analyzed in the next section. This part contains air accident Air Dubnica of two aircraft L410 in Dubnica nad Váhom, Air Accident OSSR An-24 Aircraft in Košice, Aviompanija Tatarstan accident in Kazan, accident of cypriot airline Helios and Pakistan International Airlines accident in Karachi, Pakistan. In the last part of the paper is designed implementation of the safety management system into MCC training.
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    The Effectivness of Suporting Public Passenger Transport from Public Funds
    (University of Zilina, 2016) Poliak, Miloš; Semanová, Štefánia; Varjan, Peter
    The paper deals with the issue of efficiency of financial support for public passenger transport from public funds from the perspective of improving road safety. The aim is to verify the hypothesis that financing public passenger transport from public funds is a significant tool to influence the number of passengers carried by individual automobile transport, and thus it can be a tool for influencing road safety in a particular territory. The first part of the paper analyses the sources for financial support of public passenger transport. The last part analyses possible impacts of financing public passenger transport on the road safety in relation to the specified hypothesis.
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    Increasing the Safety of Railway Crossings
    (University of Zilina, 2013) Nedeliaková, Eva; Nedeliak, Ivan; Búda, Martin
    This article is focused on improving safety at railway crossings and points of active and passive safety features. Following these general safety rules we can reduce or eliminate the risks that increasingly affect the right of railway crossings. The article describes redundant lock crossing time which unfavorably affects the rail crossing accidents and the solution which eliminates this factor. The paper is supported by the VEGA Agency by the Project 1/0188/13 ”Quality factors of integrated transport system in the effective provision of public transport services in the context of globalisation“ that is solved at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Žilina.
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    The analysis of safety on Polish roads between 2000 - 2010
    (University of Zilina, 2013) Jaśkiewicz, Marek; Jurecki, Rafał S.
    This article provides an assessment of the security situation on Polish roads. Statistical data on road accidents that occurred in different provinces in late 2000 - 2010 were analysed and the attention was drawn to the differences in the number of road accidents recorded between them. The analysis of accident statistics and the effects they had on particular provinces was made. They were presented for Świętokrzyskie province and compared to other provinces.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Novák, Andrej; Novák Sedláčková, Alena; Stelmach, Anna
    The paper is focused on the GNSS signal interference during the airport approach procedures at small Slovak regional airport Poprad-Tatry. The paper analyzes the simulation of the situation during the identification and monitoring of GNSS signal interference by ground station situated at the airport. Nowadays is still important to develop air transport and increasing the safety and continuity of provided services even at small regional airports. One of the most appropriate possibilities is to use at this kind of airports with insufficiently equipped navigation infrastructure the GNSS approach. The monitoring of reliability of this system and implementation of monitoring the GNSS signal interference in the final phase of the instrument approach will increase the safety of the flight.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Koblen, Ivan; Jančovič, Igor
    The introduction deals with importance of ensuring of high level of safety in civil aviation, initial and continuing airworthiness as well as mission of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The authors inform about regulation and implementation framework of initial airworthiness focusing on selected information related to the so called New Basic Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (exemption from this common rules for Member State in the design, production, maintenance and operation activities in respect of one or more selected categories of aircraft and regulation of rules for sport and recreational aviation) and application of adopted Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for the Part 21 of Regulation (EU) 748/2012. Following further parts of this paper, the authors introduce the European plan for aviation safety, which consists of the complete set of EASA assignments regarding to rulemaking tasks (RMT). The important part of paper is focused on information concerning the change of Regulation (EU) 748/2012 and explaining the reasons and substance of these changes as well as presentation of several new tools, for establishing of several new instruments to support the implementation of simple and proportionate rules for aviation sport and recreational flying in the context of the revision of Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 and its Part 21 in the following areas: implementation of the relevant provisions of the New Basic Regulation, release of aeronautical parts without an EASA Form 1, the second phases of the integration of the safety management system and instructions for continued airworthiness.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Fraňková, Daniela; Topolčány, Roman
    The paper is focused on the precautionary landing, its procedures and decisions that affect the pilot during the flight and landing itself. The main purpose of the work is a detailed analysis of procedures, circumstances supporting the aforementioned decision, as well as safety landing training and the scope of exercises of this role in pilot training. The work describes in detail the methodology for precautionary landing, simulation of precautionary landing and analysis of the most ideal area for landing. Furthermore, the work mentions the legislation that affects flight training, as well as legislation governing in-flight emergency procedures. Last but not least, the possibilities of precautionary landing training and the most ideal procedures in an emergency situation are also described within. Theoretical knowledge was achieved by studying available materials and practice. The conclusion of the training of precautionary landing is to train the excercise in other training tasks than prescribed for precautionary and emergency landing. The result is a summary of information and practical advice for the correct execution of the landing with the least possible risk of injury to the flight crew and damage to property.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Krnáč, Dominik; Pecho, Pavol
    The paper deals with the problem of braking effects. It is essential to thoroughly analyze the current state and cause of the problem. In this case it is a partially reconstructed RWY 13/31, which during the measurement of braking effects shows significantly lower braking coefficients in the reconstructed part and in general part of the new concrete appears to be inhomogeneous. Optical observations also show clear differences, for example during various meteorological phenomena. Currently, the critical part of the track is monitored and published by NOTAM as "slippery when wet". The current situation is not optimal at all, as during the winter period the critical part of the RWY may show significantly lower braking performance and thus be dangerous to flight operations. Furthermore, RWY analysis in terms of structure is included. In the experimental part, there are measured the braking effects on the track and are compared with the effects measured before CB plates replacement. At the end there is proposed a measure to improve the properties and its technical evaluation.