Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Analysis of the implementation of Part-147 in the environment of air transport department and aviation training and educational centre
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Vyskoč, Lukáš; Rostáš, Ján
    The following article is announcing author analysis of EASA Part 147 regulation and its application for the creation of the Maintenance Training Organization under Aviation Training and Educational Centre (ATEC), and Air Transport Department (ATD) in the University of Žilina (UNIZA). Introduction of article includes main targets and methodology of its processing. In the beginning of the work, it deals with theoretical outcomes derived from current regulations relevant to Part 147 with corresponding Applicable Means of Compliance (AMC) which brings essential basics of the MTO. The main part consequently elaborates substantial chapters with direct overview of conditions and requirements to be fulfilled by personnel, environment and full scope of manuals and procedures included in the facilities of UNIZA located in the Airport Žilina. Upon current (existing) conditions it identifies all requirements to be implemented in MTO to satisfy its initial audit and certification. To the most practical outcome of this article belongs MTO manual processed in line with all regulations and their local implementation on the ATEC and ATD environmentincluding training modules and training conditions for on job training itself. In the final chapter there are instructions and recommendations for MTO development as well sustainability of the processes to satisfy also the students' knowledge, skills and abilities for their future transport Authority examination and also for their successful applicability in practice.
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    Analysis of trends and possibilities of reducing waste production on board of aircraft and inovative systems for its assessing
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Juríková, Terézia; Rostáš, Ján
    A major trend in the 21st century is the protection of the environment from a global perspective, which is associated with reducing emissions and reducing waste production. Therefore, we try to apply the same trends in aviation. With the help of progressive technologies, we ensure the reduction of emissions. However, the issue of waste generated on board of aircraft during the flight is not comprehensively identified. This diploma thesis deals with the topic of reducing waste production on board. The main goal of this work is to analyze the current state of the problem and the subsequent creation of innovative solutions in the form of operating procedures for organizations operating in aviation. The laws and directives valid in the territory of the Slovak Republic in the application of relevant regulations and other EU legislation were used to prepare the work. Articles, studies and methodologies of foreign authors have contributed appropriately to the completion of the theoretical part of the thesis and to a better understanding of the issue. The first chapter presents the current situation and legislative requirements in the field of waste generated on board aircraft. The second chapter describes waste recovery processes and related processes such as landfilling, incineration and recycling. The possibilities of using alternative materials and the application of optimal recycling technologies are described in the third chapter. The practical part of the work was the creation of progressive procedures on board aircraft and in handling or catering companies. At the end of the work, the impact of the created procedures on the environmental, socioeconomic, and operational environment is described.
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    Organization value building on the basis of intellectual capital
    (University of Zilina, 2019) Tomaszewska, Iwona
    A very important part of the theoretical analysis of intellectual capital is the analysis of the organization value building on the basis of intellectual capital. The innovativeness of the organization and its ability to absorb innovations can to be a value of the organization. The investments in the intellectual capital during organization value building should lead to absorption of innovation. So the considerations connected to the organization value building on the basis of intellectual capital raised in this article might be of value for the future empirical work results.
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    Efficient Transport System in Urban Environment
    (University of Zilina, 2013) Gogola, Marian
    Many cities are currently facing to problems with the functioning of their transport infrastructure resulting mainly from congestions and the increasing trend of individual car usage. The call for solving and proposing the efficient transport systems occurs due the fact of need to improve the mobility condition in the urban environment. Therefore, this paper deals with the topic of efficient transport system with accent to evaluation of single transport modes and their impact on the urban environment. The two parameters are proposed: the Capacity Index (CI) and the Vehicle Emission Pollutant Index (VEPI) that present how efficient the transport systems are in first case in the sense of transport infrastructure capacity, second in the sense of environmental issue.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Turkinevych, Yelyzaveta; Jarošová, Miriam
    The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in the transport sector, the aviation industry is one of the sources of global warming and climate change. The average number of flights worldwide is up to 102,465 per day, and this number is constantly growing, which has a major impact on the climate. Climate change is currently a huge problem, global warming is evident and unquestionable. It follows that our effort to conquer nature is a great threat to all of humanity. The aim of this work was to analyze the impact of air transport on the environment from several perspectives. The work is divided into three parts. The first chapter describes the historical development of the issue in the world. The second chapter deals with the analysis of global warming and destabilizing environmental factors. There are descrribed different types of ecological pollution. The last third part discusses ways to minimize the impact of aviation on the environment.
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    (University of Zilina, 2020) Jankalová, Miriam
    Employees are affected by various factors of the working environment. Examples are noise, lighting, microclimate (temperature, airflow and humidity, dustiness, radiant heat). However, these are not the only indicators indicating the quality of the working environment in today's busy times. High workloads with low appreciation, bad atmosphere, ambiguously defined goals and powers accumulate until they gradually transform into a state of complete exhaustion, apathy, dislike, disinterest in society and people. And it is the role of employers to create conditions that ensure employees work in healthy and safe working environment while maintaining the principles of mental, physical and social well-being.