• Vplyv striedavého namáhania na zmenu teploty vzduchu v pružnom pneumatickom elemente 

      Krajňák, Jozef; Maláková, Silvia; Kepeň Harachová, Daniela (University of Žilina, 2024)
      Rubber as a material is one of the frequently used materials in mechanical engineering. This article deals with rubber, or flexible pneumatic elements, the main part of which is rubber. We determine the effect of alternating ...
    • Vplyv teploty na Barkhausenov šum v Co a Gd 

      Neslušan, Miroslav; Čížek, Jakub; Mičietová, Anna; Čilliková, Mária (University of Žilina, 2024)
      The present paper deals with Barkhausen noise emission in Gd. Barkhausen noise emission was investigated in the temperature range mainly below the Gd Curie temperature when the spontaneous magnetization in Gd occurs. ...
    • Vplyv vysokej prevádzkovej teploty na funkčnosť ložísk 

      Kantoríková, Elena (University of Žilina, 2023)
      Rolling bearings are among the most important parts of machines and equipment. Many malfunctions in operation can be prevented by the correct choice of bearing, regular inspection and maintenance. The failure rate of the ...