Bezpečnosť účastníkov cestnej premávky a ich vplyv na vnímanie dopravnej situácie
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University of Žilina
When analysing an accident scene, one of the significant tasks is to evaluate the driver's ability to perceive the traffic situation according to different aspects. Currently, there are various eye movement measurement systems designed to perform a high-quality reconstruction of the direction of eye movement of road users depending on time. In addition to the basic physiology of the perception of road users, the paper deals with using the Viewpointsystem® measurement system designed to analyse eye movement when perceiving the traffic situation. The article assesses the development of traffic accidents in the Slovak Republic according to the consequences of traffic accidents and categories of road users. As part of determining the decisive moment for a collision situation, an analysis of the direction of the eye movement of the driver of the vehicle during a dangerous traffic situation while driving on a road section located in a rural area is performed.
analysis, safety, traffic accident, collision situation, road traffic participants, viewpointsystem