Establishing the Concept of Universal Functionality in Public Transport
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University of Zilina
This article aims at providing a basic understanding of the important, but often neglected field of accessibility in
public transport. Accessibility as an inclusive sustainable concept has the goal to enable all people to use the public transport
system independently and self-determinedly. The implementation of accessible public transport directly affects different user
groups. People who do not have temporary or permanent impairments will also benefit from simpler and more accessible
systems. Consequently, the usability and comfort of public transport systems is raised for all persons. Therefore, the paper
points out barriers and solutions for different target groups in public transport and discusses solutions for overcoming them.
The paper concludes by showing how the consideration of accessibility already in the planning phase of a project can substantially
reduce costs and improve the quality of the services, respectively leading also to better economic results.
public transport, accessibility, inclusion, European Accessibility Act, mobility, means of transport, stations, stops, vehicles