Testovanie trasovacieho systému v uzavretom priestore
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Žilinská univerzita v Žiline
The article focuses on the reliability investigation of the tracking system in a confined space concerning the quality of the received signal. Positioning in the outdoor environment allows us to reach any destination without prior knowledge and understanding of its surroundings. However, emphasis is also placed on the problem of positioning in confined spaces. The importance of indoor positioning stems primarily from the need to navigate people in objects. Tracking systems based on Bluetooth Low Energy technology are used to determine the location of people in confined spaces. They are currently applied in various industries, and their implementation is growing in importance. The article contains a theoretical overview focusing on the characteristics and importance of tracking systems. In the methodological part, we investigate the reliability of the selected tracking system in specific confined space conditions based on implemented tests. The conclusion of the article contains an evaluation of the achieved results. We also highlight the advantages and shortcomings of the tested system.
tracking system, beacon, iBeacon technology, strenght of the received signal