Technológ - Ročník 16.; Číslo 4/2024
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Item Analysis of programs for operational and systems analysis(University of Žilina, 2024) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Mičieta, Branislav; Buzalka, Martin; Kasajová, Marta; Zuzik, JánThis paper deals with the selection and comparison of programs that students could use when preparing semester papers in the subject of Operational and Systems Analysis. The analysis consists of a comparison of work in selected software based on selected criteria, such as the availability of programs for students, the language in which the programs are written, the time spent on preparing individual assignments and the correctness of their results. The final part evaluates the benefits of the paper and the selection of the most suitable programs for individual types of tasks.Item Ergonomics in extended reality: addressing challenges and enhancing user experience(University of Žilina, 2024) Dulina, Ľuboslav; Zuzik, Ján; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Furmannová, Beáta; Matys, MariánExtended Reality (XR) technologies, encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), are rapidly transforming various industries, offering innovative solutions for training, design, and collaboration. However, the integration of XR into work environments introduces new ergonomic challenges that must be addressed to ensure user safety, comfort, and performance. This article explores the role of ergonomics in XR, emphasizing the importance of physical, cognitive, and organizational ergonomics. It highlights the need for well-designed XR devices to minimize physical strain, the optimization of cognitive load to avoid mental fatigue, and the adaptation of organizational workflows to enhance collaboration in virtual spaces. Additionally, the article discusses the emerging issue of simulator sickness and its impact on XR applications. By increasing awareness of these ergonomic considerations, this work aims to contribute to the development of safer and more effective XR environments, ultimately enhancing user experience and productivity.Item Improving the image of the company(University of Žilina, 2024) Furmannová, Beáta; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Zuzik, JánThe image of the company is a very important tool in the company for proper functioning and representation even outside its gates. Nowadays, it is an indispensable factor. Businesses are "competing" with each other, and customers are not only looking at how the company produces, but also how it presents itself, how it looks and advertises. The article describes proposals for improving the image of the company developed on the basis of the analysis of the current situation and the evaluation of a questionnaire survey in the company.Item Model nelineárneho oscilátora(University of Žilina, 2024) Minárik, Ján; Ftorek, Branislav; Chupáč, RadoslavThis article deals with a simple nonlinear model of mechanical system. Nonlinear mechanical model described by a nonlinear system of differential equations can lead to interesting phenomena. The linearized analytical solution is compared with the numerical solution obtained by the Runge-Kutta method in the MATLAB environment.Item Motorové jednotky nezávislej trakcie s jednonápravovým podvozkom(University of Žilina, 2024) Bučko, Martin; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Lovska, AlyonaThe article analyses the current state of the motor wagons and units with implemented single-axle bogies, operated on local lines as well as abroad. The technical parameters of individual rolling stock were compared. The main goal of the article is to present an overview of independent traction multiple units, which are equipped with a single-axle bogie. There are described rail vehicles used on only in the Slovak Republic, but also in Europe. As the use of this type of rail vehicle is on the decline, this overview reflects the current state in this field of rail vehicle design, at which, information is complemented with corresponding illustrations.Item Návrh unikátneho jednoúčelového zariadenia pre skúšky tečenia(University of Žilina, 2024) Jakubovičová, Lenka; Piroh, Ondrej; Vaško, Milan; Sága, MilanTo study the viscoelastic behaviour of polymers, creep test is the most accurate experimental method. This paper presents the engineering design and strength analysis of a special purpose disposable device for performing creep tests of commonly commercially available composite materials, specifically materials fabricated through 3D printing. The device, made of Bosch-Rexroth aluminium profiles, offers flexibility and easy modification to meet different requirements for testing diverse material types. Finite element analysis (FEM) is performed to verify the strength and safety of the device under different load levels. Prior to the actual creep test, a tensile test is performed to obtain material properties such as ultimate strength and maximum elongation. The values obtained are a stepping stone to determine the creep conditions. The results of the finite-element analysis demonstrated the reliability of the equipment for performing the required creep tests and confirmed its suitability for use to perform tests on selected composite materials. The proposed device is also dimensioned for stronger materials in terms of strength, which can be addressed in future studies. The significance of this work lies in providing a cost-effective and customizable solution for creep testing of composite material with wider applications in engineering.Item Stanovenie strižnej sily pomocou experimentálneho nástroja(University of Žilina, 2024) Melo, BorislavThe contribution deals with the possibility of applying a special shearing tool, which could be used to determine the shearing forces of thinner sheets. The device is suitable for a wide range of presses. Both theoretical and practical knowledge from this issue is presented. The construction of the shearing tool is shown. In the experimental part, the correct solution of the tool was confirmed. The results of process simulations for cutting three types of materials are also published.Item Súčasný stav prevodoviek s nastaviteľným prevodovým pomerom pri elektrickom pohone(University of Žilina, 2024) Blatnický, Miroslav; Samaš, Vladimír; Dižo, JánThe scope of this article covers potential technologies for transmission mechanisms with variable gear ratios that can be applied to electric traction. A transmission with an adjustable gear ratio allows for the adaptation of the gear ratio according to usage conditions. By adjusting the gear ratio and consequently the traction forces, we can enhance driving parameters, e.g. improved both efficiency and range. The paper theoretically examines various transmissions with variable gear ratios and compares their parameters in the context of electric drives.Item Technológ - celé číslo 4/2024(University of Žilina, 2024)Item Tepelné spracovanie nástrojových ocelí(University of Žilina, 2024) Fabian, PeterThe article describes the importance of heat treatment of tool steels, referred to as class 19. To obtain the required properties of steels, their chemical composition alone is not enough. An irreplaceable role is also played by subsequent processing, be it thermal, chemical, or a combination chemical-thermal or thermo-mechanical processing. With the right settings processing, the desired properties are achieved, and the service life of the steel is also increased.Item Vplyv teploty formy na vybrané vlastnosti AlSi5Cu2Mg(University of Žilina, 2024) Kantoríková, ElenaCurrently, high demands are placed on the costs associated with the production of products, therefore it is advisable to know the individual characteristics of materials that are used in industry. The article deals with the influence of mold temperature on the mechanical properties of aluminium alloy. By knowing the characteristics of individual materials, it is possible to effectively design and manufacture equipment that will be safe and suitable for the given application. In many cases, aluminium alloys are offered as a solution, which are considered innovative construction materials, mainly because of the perfect combination of their properties.Item Výroba švových rúr malých priemerov z austenitických ocelí(University of Žilina, 2024) Bílik, Jozef; Sobota, RóbertThe article focuses on the analysis of the production process of small diameter seam tubes made of austenitic steels used in the food industry, automotive and aerospace industries, in measurement technology, heating elements, in healthcare in the production of needles for syringes, for heat exchangers designed to cool exhaust gases in the automotive industry and for fuel-oil heat exchangers used in the aerospace industry. The article deals with the production of precision seam tubes with a diameter of 6 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm. The aim was to optimize the process using simulation using the DEFORM 3D simulation program. The solution consisted in adjusting the geometry of the beam and improving the friction ratios during the drawing.Item Využitie optickej 3D digitalizácie pri meraní rozmerov bezšvíkových oceľových rúr ťahaných za studena(University of Žilina, 2024) Morovič, Ladislav; Bílik, Jozef; Havran, FilipThe paper deals with the use of a non-contact measurement method - optical 3D digitization (active triangulation/structured light method) - in measuring the dimensions (outer and inner diameter) of seamless cold drawn steel tubes. The paper focuses on three areas of tube measurement by 3D digitization: (1) measurement of dimensions at different tube sections, (2) measurement of dirty tube surface, (3) evaluation of measured values in terms of different settings of polygonization. The results of the measured values and findings serve as useful information when deciding on the choice of 3D digitization method for measuring seamless steel tubes.Item Zmena mechanických vlastností vybraných materiálov aplikáciou povrchového kalenia(University of Žilina, 2024) Fabian, Peter; Jaššo, Martin; Pastirčák, RichardComparing the mechanical characteristics of steel used in the weapons sector to make barrels for short, small arms is the study's goal. The heat treatment of representative samples resulted in their hardening, surface hardening to a specific layer thickness, and tempering. It has not yet been thoroughly examined how the thickness of the hardened layer affects the modification of the mechanical characteristics of the chosen materials. Surface hardening is widely regarded as one of the methods for producing a resistant core and a hard surface on a component. Nonetheless, the overall material's mechanical characteristics alter in tandem with the layer's thickness. The outcomes of this study will also be useful for the induction heat treatment of other similar material components.