Práce a štúdie - Vydanie 14

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    Optimization and sustainability of conventional propulsion units in the context of current environmental trends
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Novák, Miroslav; Rostáš, Ján
    This article focuses on the current situation in the aviation industry in relation to environmental trends. In the introductory part, the situation on the aviation fuel market, their production and their current price is presented, while the emphasis is on familiarization with a more ecological form of traditional fossil fuels, namely sustainable aviation fuel. The reader is informed about the current situation in connection with emissions and greenhouse gases produced by air transport and the effort to reduce them and in the future their complete elimination. The second part presents the approach of aviation authorities such as EASA, FAA and ICAO, as well as their goals for reducing emissions and greenhouse gases and current projects for sustainable aviation. The article focuses on the implementation of sustainable aviation fuel in aviation and the issues associated with its use. The third part deals with the latest projects of aircraft and power units manufacturers. Other strategies such as CORSIA and ETS are presented, as well as climate conferences dealing with this issue. We point out the different approaches of countries in connection with the issue of reducing emissions. In the conclusion, we will evaluate the current situation with the economy and ecology in aviation from a global point of view, the actions of the authorities, manufacturers and point out the shortcomings.