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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Item
    Human-Centric Design: Improving Workplaces for People in Production and Logistics Systems
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Zuzik, Ján; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Furmannová, Beáta
    This study aims to determine the position of workers in the design of production and logistics systems. This article deals mainly with the role of humans in production systems. The introduction of this article is dedicated to the development of ergonomics in production and logistics systems. Furthermore, this article deals with the literary research of the subject matter to find out the analysis of the current state of the issue of the solution in the world. The very core of the study is the position of a person from an ergonomic point of view in production and assembly systems and, in particular, methods of relaxation of employees in production sectors.
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    A modern approach to ergonomics: the study of work and non-work activities of employees
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Zuzik, Ján; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Furmannová, Beáta
    The purpose of the study is to determine how an employee's work and non-work activities are related. The relevance of after-work activities is covered in the introduction. The relationship between employees' work and non-work activities is illustrated in the section that follows. The last section addresses the effects of employees' unequal workloads and non-work activities as well as suggestions for personalized advice. An individual's general well-being depends on having a balanced ratio between work and non-work activities, which is why the article offers a more comprehensive answer to this issue.
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    Ensuring employee well-being: a deep dive into ergonomic product testing
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Zuzik, Ján; Dulina, Ľuboslav; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Furmannová, Beáta; Gašo, Martin
    The research's objective is to examine the merits and drawbacks of an ergonomic chairless chair product in a manufacturing environment. The initial section presents the product and a particular project. The subsequent section demonstrates its application in the workplace. The final part is devoted to assessing the utility of chairless chairs in a production setting. There is a need for wider adoption of this product due to its capacity to enhance ergonomic conditions and reduce work-related ailments. Additionally, the article serves as an appraisal of the product's performance in a manufacturing context, scrutinizing both its pros and cons.
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