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    Konštrukčný návrh mechanizmu skrutkového manipulátora turniketu sypkých materiálov
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Molnár, Denis; Blatnický, Miroslav; Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, Vadym
    The article is the next step in the ongoing research regarding the incorporation of the proposed bulk material turnstile assembly into an existing production line serving the food industry for bagging powdered milk. The main goal of this contribution is the presentation of the structural design and related technical calculations of the screw manipulator as part of the turnstile for loose materials. The proposed mechanism will enable precise manipulation of the turnstile, especially when it is necessary to clean the pipe connected to the turnstile. Such handling is relevant nowadays due to increasing the safety of maintenance of machines and equipment and due to reducing the physical load of maintenance workers. The results prove the appropriateness of the use of the given structural design and are the basis for further research in the given area. The results will be implemented in the form of boundary conditions for the numerical analyses of the connecting elements of the frame carrying the entire carriage with the turnstile (the frame forms a path for the carriage) and also for numerical calculations of the frame itself. The goal is to achieve a state where the entire structure is safe for the operator during maintenance and also for its surroundings during normal operation.
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