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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
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    A modern approach to ergonomics: the study of work and non-work activities of employees
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Zuzik, Ján; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Furmannová, Beáta
    The purpose of the study is to determine how an employee's work and non-work activities are related. The relevance of after-work activities is covered in the introduction. The relationship between employees' work and non-work activities is illustrated in the section that follows. The last section addresses the effects of employees' unequal workloads and non-work activities as well as suggestions for personalized advice. An individual's general well-being depends on having a balanced ratio between work and non-work activities, which is why the article offers a more comprehensive answer to this issue.
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    Ensuring employee well-being: a deep dive into ergonomic product testing
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Zuzik, Ján; Dulina, Ľuboslav; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Furmannová, Beáta; Gašo, Martin
    The research's objective is to examine the merits and drawbacks of an ergonomic chairless chair product in a manufacturing environment. The initial section presents the product and a particular project. The subsequent section demonstrates its application in the workplace. The final part is devoted to assessing the utility of chairless chairs in a production setting. There is a need for wider adoption of this product due to its capacity to enhance ergonomic conditions and reduce work-related ailments. Additionally, the article serves as an appraisal of the product's performance in a manufacturing context, scrutinizing both its pros and cons.
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