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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    Determination of the dynamic load of an improved hatch cover of an open wagon during operating modes
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Lovska, Alyona; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym
    The article presents the results of determining the dynamic load of the improved cover of an open wagon under operational conditions. The peculiarity of the manhole cover is that the canvas is formed by the upper and lower sheets, between which, there is an energy-absorbing material with viscous properties. The dynamic load of the cover when a load of 150 kg falls on it was studied. It was determined, that the use of energy-absorbing material contributes to the reduction of the cover load by 21 % compared to a typical original design. The main indicators of the dynamics of an open wagon equipped with improved manhole covers are calculated. The results of the calculations showed that the studied dynamic indicators are within the permissible limits. The conducted studies will contribute to the reduction of damage to manhole covers during operation and the cost of maintaining one wagons.
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    Štúdia vplyvu medziadaptéra na dynamické zaťaženie nosnej konštrukcie plošinového vozňa
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Lovska, Alyona; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, Vadym
    In order to reduce the dynamic load of the platform wagon, it is proposed to use an intermediate adapter between the frame and the load. The reduction of dynamic loads is carried out due to the dissipative forces that arise in the adapter when the wagon bounces. The results of mathematical modeling of the vertical loading of the platform wagon are given, taking into account the proposed solution. It was established that the accelerations acting on the supporting structure of the platform wagon are reduced by 8.5 % compared to the typical one. The acceleration acting on the load placed on the frame of the platform wagon is 11.8 % lower than that acting on it, taking into account the typical load perception scheme. The peculiarities of determining the strength of the adapter under its vertical load are highlighted. The conducted research will contribute to the creation of developments in the design of modern structures of railway vehicles.
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    Skúmanie jazdných vlastností koľajového vozidla a vzájomného pôsobenia kontaktu koleso/koľajnica pomocou simulačných výpočtov
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Šťastniak, Pavol; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Kravchenko, Kateryna
    The paper deals with the dynamic analysis and evaluation of the driving characteristics of the selected railway vehicle through computer simulations on virtual and mathematical models. Approaches and methodology from the point of view of creating a virtual model of a railway vehicle as a multi-body system are described in detail., its components and their interrelationships, with the help of which it is possible to obtain the results of a simulated driving of a vehicle with specified parameters of the mechanical system of the vehicle and the track. Practical calculations are performed using the Simpack computer program.
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    Stanovenie úspory energetických nákladov na pohon vlaku znížením jazdného odporu
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Panchenko, Sergii; Gerlici, Juraj; Lovska, Alyona; Ravlyuk, Vasyl; Dižo, Ján
    Examining the mechanical part of the braking systems of railway vehicles allowed us to find out that the brake blocks of the most freight cars are pressed by their upper ends against certain wheel surfaces when the brakes are released. This causes additional resistance to the movement of the train and also causes significant damage to the railway infrastructure of Ukraine in the case of freight traffic. To eliminate the friction between the brake block and the wheel when the train moves in the traction mode and when using inertia, it is advisable to use a modernized device developed according to the UkrDAZT technology, which allows to reduce the running resistance of the train. This leads to a reduction in the consumption of fuel and electricity for the propulsion of trains and at the same time allows to reduce the operating costs of rail transport for energy consumption.
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    Koncepcia, bezpečnosť a súvisiaci priemyselný výskum náhrady dieselového pohonu za pohon s vodíkovým palivovým článkom v diesel motorových jednotkách radu 861
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Šťastniak, Pavol; Gerlici, Juraj; Cesnek, Dušan; Golian, Peter
    The subject of the research is the development of a technical feasibility study that will deal with the concept, safety and related industrial research for the replacement of diesel traction by hydrogen fuel cell traction in the railway vehicles series 861. Part of the research is also the operation of such a source of traction, the assessment and evaluation of risks, especially from the point of view of maintenance and operation. The research result will be a technical study based on numerical simulations of static and dynamic loads, energy management of the fuel cell traction and requirements for the inclusion of such vehicles in regular operation on non-electrified tracks of the Slovak Republic.
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    Manévrovateľnosť a stabilita pohybu kĺbového autobusu, systém HST
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Sakhno, Volodymyr; Gerlici, Juraj; Kravchenko, Oleksandr; Poljakov, Viktor; Chovcha, Iryna; Dižo, Ján
    The mathematical model of a hinged-rear bus with a system of turning a hook-and-loop section for a dynamic way of turning is broken down. For the developed model, indicators of manoeuvrability and stability of the bus were appointed. The input of the design parameters of the bus and the trailer, the transfer ratio of the control drive and the magnitude of the galvanic moment to the indicators of the manoeuvrability of the bus are analysed. On the basis of the results, in the analysis of the rational values of the gear ratios, which ensure the proximity of the trajectories of the characteristic points of the bus and the trailer, the value of the gear ratio of 0.85 was selected, which ensures the minimum value of the RMK.
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    Analýza pozdĺžneho zaťaženia kontajnera so stenami vyrobenými zo sendvičových panelov
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Vatulia, Glib; Gerlici, Juraj; Lovska, Alyona; Krasnokutskyi, Yevhen
    The article presents the results of determining the longitudinal dynamic load of a container of standard size 1CC with sandwich panel walls. A mathematical model was developed that takes into account the longitudinal load of a container placed on a platform wagon during a displacement collision. The use of sandwich containers as components was found to contribute 10 % to the active container design in the longitudinal plane compared to the typical design. A calculation of the strength of the container was carried out. At the same time, the maximum voltages are 18.6 % lower than permissible. Conducted research in preparation for the creation of recommendations for the design of modern modular vehicle structures and increasing the production of the transport industry
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