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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
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    Determination of the dynamic load of an improved hatch cover of an open wagon during operating modes
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Lovska, Alyona; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym
    The article presents the results of determining the dynamic load of the improved cover of an open wagon under operational conditions. The peculiarity of the manhole cover is that the canvas is formed by the upper and lower sheets, between which, there is an energy-absorbing material with viscous properties. The dynamic load of the cover when a load of 150 kg falls on it was studied. It was determined, that the use of energy-absorbing material contributes to the reduction of the cover load by 21 % compared to a typical original design. The main indicators of the dynamics of an open wagon equipped with improved manhole covers are calculated. The results of the calculations showed that the studied dynamic indicators are within the permissible limits. The conducted studies will contribute to the reduction of damage to manhole covers during operation and the cost of maintaining one wagons.
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    Štúdia vplyvu medziadaptéra na dynamické zaťaženie nosnej konštrukcie plošinového vozňa
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Lovska, Alyona; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, Vadym
    In order to reduce the dynamic load of the platform wagon, it is proposed to use an intermediate adapter between the frame and the load. The reduction of dynamic loads is carried out due to the dissipative forces that arise in the adapter when the wagon bounces. The results of mathematical modeling of the vertical loading of the platform wagon are given, taking into account the proposed solution. It was established that the accelerations acting on the supporting structure of the platform wagon are reduced by 8.5 % compared to the typical one. The acceleration acting on the load placed on the frame of the platform wagon is 11.8 % lower than that acting on it, taking into account the typical load perception scheme. The peculiarities of determining the strength of the adapter under its vertical load are highlighted. The conducted research will contribute to the creation of developments in the design of modern structures of railway vehicles.
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    Odvodenie matematického modelu hnacieho mechanizmu pre pohon prídavných zariadení dopravného prostriedku
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, Vadym; Lovska, Alyona; Blatnický, Miroslav; Molnár, Denis
    The article is focused on a derivation of a mathematical model of a drive mechanism of for a drive of an additional devices of a transport mean. Additional devices are inseparable part of lorries, buses as well as railway vehicles, such as locomotives with independent traction. These additional devices serve for drive of compressors or other similar devices. The mathematical model is derived by means of the Lagrange’s quations of the second kind method. After finding the energies, the method of the reduction of mass and force quantities to the chosen part. In this case, it is reduced to the drive shaft of the considered mechanism. The presented mechanism is described by means of one equation of motion. This equation can be solved by means of the Matlab software. The last part of the article additional includes illustrations of the solved mechanism created in the Simpack multibody software, which can be analysed and the results can be compared with the results obtained from the Matlab software.
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    Posúdenie stability lesného kolesového traktora vybaveného hydraulickou rukou
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym; Lovska, Alyona; Fidrik, Filip
    Wheeled forests tractors are inseparable part of a forest economy. Wheeled forests tractors serve for logging of logs in forests. Current wheeled forests tractors are usually equipped with hydraulic arms, which allow to expand the utility of such tractors. A tractor with a hydraulic arm can handle with wood logs without a need additional forest machine, which helps to reduce costs. On the other hand, it is necessary to analyse tractors abilities, which has such an additional equipment. This article is focused on assessment of stability of a heeled forest tractor, which is equipped by such a hydraulic arm. As the hydraulic arm changes the centre of gravity of an entire tractor, mainly with the load, safe operation of the tractor needs to know limit conditions of stability under the maximal load and in the given slope inclination.
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    Analýza jazdných vlastností modifikovaného vozidla a jeho komponentov v dôsledku zmeny pohonného ústrojenstva a ovplyvnenie vzájomného pôsobenia kontaktu koleso/koľajnica
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, Vadym; Lovska, Alyona; Blatnický, Miroslav; Solčanský, Sebastián
    The presented article is focused on analysis of running properties of a modified railway vehicle and its components due to a change of the powertrain and influence of the mutual effects in a wheel/rail contact. The modification of a vehicle consists in a change of a standard diesel-electric powertrain by a new powertrain, which includes as a source of power the hydrogen fuel cells. This modification represents a quite significant modification of a vehicle structure, mainly a change of mass and position of centre of gravity individual articles of a vehicle. The analysis of running properties is performed by means of simulation computations in a commercial simulation software Simpack. Simulation model of a vehicle is called as a multibody model. This model consists of rigid bodies, which are connected by flexible modelling elements. Simulation analyses are performed for an original vehicle and for vehicle with hydrogen fuel cells. There are analysed cases of running on two types of tracks. There is found oud based on the obtained results, that the modified vehicle with the hydrogen cells has similar force distribution in a wheel/rail contact, however, the axle load of the modified vehicle does not meet required criteria.
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    Matematický model pohonnej sústavy koľajového vozidla
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym; Molnár, Denis; Solčanský, Sebastián
    The presented research is aimed at the derivation of a mathematical model of diesel-mechanical drivetrain of a rail vehicle. It is derived by means of the Lagrange’s equations of the second kind. The derived mathematical model allows to understand the essential principle of the derivation of the mathematical model of the diesel-mechanical drivetrain of a rail vehicle, an application of the numerical mathematical methods for the solving the equations of motion and for evaluation of the wanted outputs quantities, such as waveforms of revolutions and torques of shafts and others.
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    Konštrukčný návrh rámu korby pre jednonápravový príves za traktor
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym; Molnár, Denis; Kurtulík, Jakub
    This article is focused on the results of the research, which is intended to design of a single-axle tipping tractor trailer. The trailer consists of two main parts, a frame and a superstructure. Both parts of the trailer must undergo strength analyses under determined loading conditions. While results of strength analyses of the frame were already presented on the previous event, this work shows an overview of the strength analysis of the tipping superstructure of the trailer. The structure has been analysed under static loads and dynamical effects have been considered by means of a dynamic coefficient. The task has been performed by application of the Finite Element Method (FEM). Some chosen load cases have been analysed and the distribution of stresses in the structure has been evaluated. Results have shown that the designed structure of the tipping superstructure is able to withstand the given loads and it can be used in practice.
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    Návrh elektrického mechanizmu otáčania výložníka stĺpového žeriava pre manipuláciu s kalovými čerpadlami
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Blatnický, Miroslav; Dižo, Ján; Molnár, Denis; Ishchuk, Vadym
    The article is a continuation of the issue of the technical solution of the hinge for handling sludge pumps in the Jaslovské Bohunice nuclear power plant. The main goal is the design of the electric jib rotating mechanism. It was based on the previous proposal for placing the boom consisting of a dimensional calculation of the new support column and the proposal for placing the boom on this column. The save consisted of two bonds. The upper support of the boom was solved using a rolling bearing fixed in the upper part of the column. The bottom bearing contains an axial plain bearing and a fixed gear as part of the rotating mechanism. In the next step, it is necessary to design the attachment of the selected electric motor with a planetary gearbox and a pinion for this construction. The priority in the design will be mainly to observe the axial distance of the gears, but also to consider the mounting method given by the manufacturer and the torque generated by the engine. A holder in which the motor is attached and then attached to the structure will be designed. Thanks to this, the axial distance will be fulfilled. In addition to supporting the motor, the holder also serves as a radial bearing lock, preventing the bearing from being accidentally pulled out. The result of calculations and designs will be 2D diagrams and 3D visualization of the new construction.
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    Konštrukčný návrh mechanizmu skrutkového manipulátora turniketu sypkých materiálov
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Molnár, Denis; Blatnický, Miroslav; Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, Vadym
    The article is the next step in the ongoing research regarding the incorporation of the proposed bulk material turnstile assembly into an existing production line serving the food industry for bagging powdered milk. The main goal of this contribution is the presentation of the structural design and related technical calculations of the screw manipulator as part of the turnstile for loose materials. The proposed mechanism will enable precise manipulation of the turnstile, especially when it is necessary to clean the pipe connected to the turnstile. Such handling is relevant nowadays due to increasing the safety of maintenance of machines and equipment and due to reducing the physical load of maintenance workers. The results prove the appropriateness of the use of the given structural design and are the basis for further research in the given area. The results will be implemented in the form of boundary conditions for the numerical analyses of the connecting elements of the frame carrying the entire carriage with the turnstile (the frame forms a path for the carriage) and also for numerical calculations of the frame itself. The goal is to achieve a state where the entire structure is safe for the operator during maintenance and also for its surroundings during normal operation.
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    Orgány riaditeľnosti a stability letúnov, 2. časť
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Solčanský, Sebastián; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym
    This paper deals with flight control and stability surfaces, which is a comprehensive overview of control and stability surfaces of an aeroplane, especially three main control surfaces elevator, ailerons and rudder. These are analysed from the perspective of functions, locations, divisions and aeromechanics. Part of the paper is dedicated to the definition of aircraft, the division of aircraft and the structure of the aeroplane.
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