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    Konštrukčný návrh koľajového adaptéra pre ľahké nákladné vozidlo, typ oceľ-oceľ
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Dižo, Ján; Fiačan, Jakub; Lovska, Alyona; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym
    Transportation is a quite complex system for relocation of passengers and goods for longer of shorter distances. Nowadays, a combination of several types of transport is typical for the most countries. Land transport includes road transport and railway transport. There are number of types of vehicles used for these individual kinds of transport. The most of them are able to move only on a road or on a railway track. However, there are a quite narrow group of vehicles, which can move both on a road and on a railway track. There are called rail-road vehicles. In principle, there are derived from road vehicle. The main objective of this rticle is to present an engineering design of an adapter for a light lorry. The work brings the main structural units of the rail-road vehicle and compares its properties with the previous engineering design. Despite, there are rail-road vehicles, this engineering design is characterized, that the adapter allows to set railway wheels to main track gauge.
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    Návrh koľajového adaptéra typu guma-koľajnica pre ľahké nákladné vozidlo
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Dižo, Ján; Fiačan, Jakub; Blatnický, Miroslav; Lovska, Alyona; Ishchuk, Vadym
    The article is focused on design of a tyre-rail adapter to be mounted on a light road-rail vehicle. The novelty of the design consists in its possibility to change the wheelbase of the vehicle axles for different railway tracks gauges. Then, the considered light vehicle could fulfil various working tasks in a country, where more railway tracks gauges occur. The modified vehicle is a light lorry, which is intended to be used as a versatile and utility vehicle for maintenance purposes and repairing purposes.
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