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Item Technológ - celé číslo 5/2023(University of Žilina, 2023)Item Identifikácia problémov s nerovnomerným rozložením teplôt v rámci batériového racku prostredníctvom CFD prístupu(University of Žilina, 2023) Csuka, Zoltán; Hlbočan, PeterThis article focuses on the issue of uneven temperature distribution within a battery rack, which significantly influences the performance and lifespan of second-life batteries. We analyze the contributing factors to this imbalance and propose optimized solutions. Numerical simulations are conducted under various operating conditions to identify key parameters affecting thermal uniformity. Based on the acquired data, we present strategies for effective temperature distribution within battery packs and racks, thereby enhancing the stability and reliability of the entire energy system. This study would have significant implications for the industrial deployment of battery technologies and their optimal utilization in high-performance energy systems.Item Návrh experimentálneho pracoviska pre testovanie a výskum činnosti batériového úložiska(University of Žilina, 2023) Kolková, Zuzana; Matušov, Jozef; Zubo, Augustín; Stupka, Aleš; Jandík, JanThe comprehensive experimental facility for battery storage introduces an innovative approach to analysing and optimizing the performance of energy storage systems. Designed with consideration for energy flow and overall capacity, it utilizes testing of key components such as batteries with a battery management system and power inverters. The facility, housed in two standard 20ft freight containers, not only enables efficient testing but also offers advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness, customization, mobility, and the possibility of parallel tests. The containers also serve as laboratory cells, providing an isolated environment for precise experiments. The division of the container into three main sections - power, control, and testing - brings a systematic approach to experiments with a focus on safety features. Implemented fire barriers and resilient windows ensure a secure environment for the development and testing of battery storage, contributing to the advancement of modern energy technologies.Item Analýza vplyvu konštrukčného riešenia batériového packu na chladenie batérií počas prevádzky(University of Žilina, 2023) Hlbočan, Peter; Csuka, ZoltánThe contribution is focused on the analysis of some possible approaches to the design of air cooling of the battery pack. The battery pack is equipped with a separate fan. As part of the analysis, the influence of the location of the fan in the pack and the direction of the cooling air flow on the cooling effect and the temperature field during operation were assessed. The result of the analysis is a specific recommendation for the location of the fan in the battery pack and the design of the air flow direction.Item Determination of the dynamic load of an improved hatch cover of an open wagon during operating modes(University of Žilina, 2023) Lovska, Alyona; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, VadymThe article presents the results of determining the dynamic load of the improved cover of an open wagon under operational conditions. The peculiarity of the manhole cover is that the canvas is formed by the upper and lower sheets, between which, there is an energy-absorbing material with viscous properties. The dynamic load of the cover when a load of 150 kg falls on it was studied. It was determined, that the use of energy-absorbing material contributes to the reduction of the cover load by 21 % compared to a typical original design. The main indicators of the dynamics of an open wagon equipped with improved manhole covers are calculated. The results of the calculations showed that the studied dynamic indicators are within the permissible limits. The conducted studies will contribute to the reduction of damage to manhole covers during operation and the cost of maintaining one wagons.Item Štúdia spolupráce energetického úložiska z batérií druhej životnosti a fotovoltaickej elektrárne(University of Žilina, 2023) Liška, Martin; Štrkolec, Juraj; Matušov, Jozef; Havlíček, Tomáš; Louvar, StanislavThe aim of the simulation is to optimize the parameters of the battery storage system using battery cells from electric cars in cooperation with a photovoltaic power plant at the point of connection with a reserved input power of up to 100 kW. The analysis is performed in the Python programming environment, where all algorithms and calculations are implemented. The source codes of the simulation contain historical data of specific PV power plants.Item Batérie druhej životnosti a systém správy batérií(University of Žilina, 2023) Šuňal, Martin; Kopčan, Jaroslav; Benka, Denis; Kulhánek, Tomáš; Jandík, JanAs electromobility continues to advance, there is a growing production of batteries that will eventually require recycling. One potential recycling approach involves repurposing worn yet still operational batteries in energy storage systems, providing them with a renewed functionality. Every battery assembly mandates a Battery Management System (BMS) to ensure proper and secure functionality. In the case of recycled cells, the BMS system becomes more intricate due to notable disparities in wear and, consequently, in parameters among the cells. Hence, active balancing of each cell within the assembly becomes imperative in such a setup. Furthermore, enhanced safety precautions are essential for such assemblies. The entire system must be scalable and adaptable to different numbers and configurations of battery cells from electric vehicles of various manufacturers.Item Štúdia vplyvu medziadaptéra na dynamické zaťaženie nosnej konštrukcie plošinového vozňa(University of Žilina, 2023) Lovska, Alyona; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, VadymIn order to reduce the dynamic load of the platform wagon, it is proposed to use an intermediate adapter between the frame and the load. The reduction of dynamic loads is carried out due to the dissipative forces that arise in the adapter when the wagon bounces. The results of mathematical modeling of the vertical loading of the platform wagon are given, taking into account the proposed solution. It was established that the accelerations acting on the supporting structure of the platform wagon are reduced by 8.5 % compared to the typical one. The acceleration acting on the load placed on the frame of the platform wagon is 11.8 % lower than that acting on it, taking into account the typical load perception scheme. The peculiarities of determining the strength of the adapter under its vertical load are highlighted. The conducted research will contribute to the creation of developments in the design of modern structures of railway vehicles.Item Menič pre batériové úložisko využívajúce druhý život batérií(University of Žilina, 2023) Turza, Stanislav; Liška, Martin; Lipták, Ondrej; Valenta, Pavel; Zich, JanThe global trend of electrification in automotive industry cause increasing the number of the batteries for the electric vehicles. The batteries that have reached the end of their primary life in electrical vehicle have a residual capacity. This residual capacity can be used in second-life batteries application. The energy storage system is on of this application. This article is focused on design and verification of the DC/DC converter prototype for this application. In the paper the prototype of interleaved three phase converter with power range up to 30 kW is describe.Item Tepelný model energetického úložiska s batériami druhej životnosti(University of Žilina, 2023) Žiľka, Richard; Krško, Ondrej; Liška, Martin; Louvar, Stanislav; Novotný, JakubA Second-life Battery Storage Systems are a promising direction of how to optimize costs in modern smart grids. although they may help to reduce costs, they represent very sensitive components which imposes a high demand on their design and control. A promising direction is so called ”digital twin” approach where particular sub-systems are designed and optimized in a simulations or co-simulations without the need to nvest in to the real hardware. Such mathematical models are usually quite complex due to highly nonlinear nature of the system and they require a high degree of understanding of the problem to successfully implement them. In this paper we deal with the design of thermal mathematical description of the battery storage system as a building block of the overall mathematical model. Specifically, we focus on simple implementation and low complexity while achieving sufficient precision of the model. Proposed model was verified in simulations using real measured data.