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    Tepelný model energetického úložiska s batériami druhej životnosti
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Žiľka, Richard; Krško, Ondrej; Liška, Martin; Louvar, Stanislav; Novotný, Jakub
    A Second-life Battery Storage Systems are a promising direction of how to optimize costs in modern smart grids. although they may help to reduce costs, they represent very sensitive components which imposes a high demand on their design and control. A promising direction is so called ”digital twin” approach where particular sub-systems are designed and optimized in a simulations or co-simulations without the need to nvest in to the real hardware. Such mathematical models are usually quite complex due to highly nonlinear nature of the system and they require a high degree of understanding of the problem to successfully implement them. In this paper we deal with the design of thermal mathematical description of the battery storage system as a building block of the overall mathematical model. Specifically, we focus on simple implementation and low complexity while achieving sufficient precision of the model. Proposed model was verified in simulations using real measured data.
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