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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Analysis of programs for operational and systems analysis
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Mičieta, Branislav; Buzalka, Martin; Kasajová, Marta; Zuzik, Ján
    This paper deals with the selection and comparison of programs that students could use when preparing semester papers in the subject of Operational and Systems Analysis. The analysis consists of a comparison of work in selected software based on selected criteria, such as the availability of programs for students, the language in which the programs are written, the time spent on preparing individual assignments and the correctness of their results. The final part evaluates the benefits of the paper and the selection of the most suitable programs for individual types of tasks.
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    Intelligent warehouse systems
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Zuzik, Ján
    Artificial intelligence can change the overall operation of a business and make work activities more efficient not only in terms of time but also economically. Individual enterprises are increasingly trying to incorporate artificial intelligence into production processes and the need to summarize knowledge about this trend is the main pillar of this paper.
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    The perspective of using Industry 4.0 in robotics
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Zuzik, Ján
    The contribution focuses on the identification of new possibilities in the robotization of production and assembly processes. In the first section, theoretical knowledge from the given area is presented. The second section presents various trends in the field of artificial intelligence, autonomous technologies and the possibility of their use in the manufacturing industry. New technologies can help businesses with the implementation of individual technologies that can serve to improve production and assembly processes.
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    Possibilities of using artificial intelligence in logistics
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Zuzik, Ján
    The paper focuses on the topic of the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in logistics. It provides basic information about the given topic, which is presented in the theoretical basis. It describes the definition, history and development and objectives of logistics. It also deals with aspects of Logistics 4.0 and the definition and history of artificial intelligence. The core of the work divides individual options between logistics platforms using artificial intelligence and logistics technologies using artificial intelligence, the principle of operation of which is subsequently described. The conclusion is devoted to the evaluation of the current state of use of artificial intelligence in the logistics industry. It also contains an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned possibilities of use.
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    Workshop production management methods
    (2024) Zuzik, Ján; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Gašo, Martin; Furmannová, Beáta; Kasajová, Marta
    The contribution is devoted to a mechanical engineering company, then the methods of workshop production management and the systems that are used in this management are discussed in detail. At the beginning of the practical part, the current state of workshop management is identified using a questionnaire. In the second part, there is an analysis of workshop management in the company and a proposal for improving the given management
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    Evaluation of the possibilities of use of interactive technology in the laboratory
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Štaffenová, Katarína
    The goal of the contribution was to propose the possibilities of using interactive technology in the laboratory and to create a creative and interesting environment for students. One of the benefits is facilitating and streamlining the learning process and developing students' creativity. Interactive hardware (interactive whiteboard) and software (multimedia systems) were used to solve the work. The conclusion of the work consists of an evaluation of the benefits of using the interactive whiteboard in the laboratory.
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    Evaluation of new trends and reasons for attendance artificial intelligence at the operational level
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Štaffenová, Katarína
    The contribution is focused on the analysis of the current state of the introduction of artificial intelligence in enterprises in Slovakia. Here are also the results of a questionnaire survey aimed at finding out what the participating small and medium-sized enterprises mean by the term digitization, whether they use it and consider it important. The questionnaire also investigated whether companies are familiar with the national strategies of Industry 4.0 or how they see the service provision and financing system in this context. The conclusion of the article is devoted to the evaluation of new trends and reasons for the emergence of artificial intelligence.
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    Industry 4.0 in manufacturing enterprises
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Štaffenová, Katarína
    The paper deals with the analysis the options available to companies for improving the production enterprises as part of the transformation to Industry 4.0. Digital transformation involves the integration of digital technologies and solutions into every area of business. This is a cultural change rather than a technological one, requiring organizations to make fundamental changes in the way they operate and how they deliver experiences and benefits to customers. Digital solutions also help expand the workforce and can lead to the transformation of business processes and business models
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    Programmable model of an automated warehouse
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Biňasová, Vladimíra; Bubeník, Peter; Rakyta, Miroslav; Kasajová, Marta; Štaffenová, Katarína
    The paper deals with the multifunctional kit is a robust training model that simulates and demonstrates warehouse automation in the world's most advanced enterprises. Programming takes place in the Siemens TIA Portal software, which is then loaded into a Programmable Logic Automator which is interconnected with the source Siemens SITOP PSU100S. The main objective of the paper was to provide an overview of the current state of-the-art in automated manufacturing and to create an example of an automated warehouse that can be used in teaching as an ideal simulation and demonstration model for training and industrial automation.
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    Technológ 3/2022
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Sýkorová, Martina; Bolibruchová, Dana; Bílik, Jozef; Sobota, Róbert; Šuba, Roland; Mojžiš, Milan; Litvaj, Ivan; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym; Molnár, Denis; Štaffenová, Katarína; Rakyta, Miroslav; Bubeník, Peter; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Kasajová, Marta; Tarbajovský, Pavol; Puškár, Michal; Абович Подригало, Михаил; Петрович Кравченко, Александр; Герлици, Юрай; Сергеевич Шеин, Виталий; Сергеевич Ткаченко, Александр; Александровна Кравченко, Екатерина; Kantoríková, Elena; Koňár, Radoslav; Matejka, Marek; Podprocká, Radka; Kostrzewski, Mariusz; Jerzy Nowak, Wojciech; Medňanský, Martin; Brůna, Marek
    Vplyv teploty precipitačného vytvrdzovania na vlastnosti zliatiny AlSi5Cu2Mg legovanej Zr || Seamless Tubes Manufacturing Processes Analysis || Decision-making process and knowledge management, knowledge management and skills || Nákladné prívesy za traktor - koncepčné usporiadanie a ich typy || Proces reverzného inžinierstva s využitím 3D laserového skenovania || Nákladné prívesy za traktor - špeciálne verzie a zvláštna výbava || Knowledge, knowledge management and innovations || Návrh modelu parného rušňa || Integrovaný systém pre redukciu emisií spaľovacích motorov || Technical preparation of production || О выборе мощности двигателя автомобиля на этапе проектирования || Vplyv tepelného spracovania na nástrojové ocele || Skúsenosti pri ultrazvukovom skúšaní zvarov v praxi || Hodnotenie tepelného zaťaženia vysokotlakovej formy pomocou numerickej simulácie || Rzeczy kilka o transporcie kolejowym ładunków w Japonii || Precipitačné vytvrdzovanie Al-Si-Cu-Mg zliatin || Numerické simulácie vplyvu technologických faktorov na štruktúru vysokotlakových odliatkov
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