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    Identifikácia problémov s nerovnomerným rozložením teplôt v rámci batériového racku prostredníctvom CFD prístupu
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Csuka, Zoltán; Hlbočan, Peter
    This article focuses on the issue of uneven temperature distribution within a battery rack, which significantly influences the performance and lifespan of second-life batteries. We analyze the contributing factors to this imbalance and propose optimized solutions. Numerical simulations are conducted under various operating conditions to identify key parameters affecting thermal uniformity. Based on the acquired data, we present strategies for effective temperature distribution within battery packs and racks, thereby enhancing the stability and reliability of the entire energy system. This study would have significant implications for the industrial deployment of battery technologies and their optimal utilization in high-performance energy systems.
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    Návrh experimentálneho pracoviska pre testovanie a výskum činnosti batériového úložiska
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kolková, Zuzana; Matušov, Jozef; Zubo, Augustín; Stupka, Aleš; Jandík, Jan
    The comprehensive experimental facility for battery storage introduces an innovative approach to analysing and optimizing the performance of energy storage systems. Designed with consideration for energy flow and overall capacity, it utilizes testing of key components such as batteries with a battery management system and power inverters. The facility, housed in two standard 20ft freight containers, not only enables efficient testing but also offers advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness, customization, mobility, and the possibility of parallel tests. The containers also serve as laboratory cells, providing an isolated environment for precise experiments. The division of the container into three main sections - power, control, and testing - brings a systematic approach to experiments with a focus on safety features. Implemented fire barriers and resilient windows ensure a secure environment for the development and testing of battery storage, contributing to the advancement of modern energy technologies.
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