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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Item
    Kovokeramické trecie materiály využívané v práškovej metalurgi
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Kantoríková, Elena
    Metal-ceramic materials are produced from a mixture of metal and ceramic powders. These are primarily sintered carbides for cutting tools and friction materials for brake linings. Their use is important in cases where it is not possible to use normal friction materials. Important is a high coefficient of friction even at high temperature, good thermal conductivity, strength and resistance to abrasion.
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    Materiály práškovej metalurgie
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Kantoríková, Elena
    Powder metallurgy is used in all branches of industrial production. the main advantage of powder metallurgy is the saving of metals (materials) and energy. the main direction of development is expected mainly in the production of tool parts. the article describes the analysis of powders and the use of materials for powder metallurgy.
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    Materiály s vysokou teplotou tavenia využívané v práškovej metalurgii
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Kantoríková, Elena
    Metals with a high melting point are frequently used materials in technical practice. Their fundamental advantage over other metal materials is their higher melting temperature, which exceeds the melting temperature of iron. Thanks to this physical property, such metals and their alloys can be used in environments where the components are subject to high thermal stress.
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    Disperzne spevnené materiály
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Kantoríková, Elena
    Dispersion reinforced systems are composites with a matrix reinforced with a dispersive discontinuous phase. They are mainly produced by powder metallurgy technologies. Dispersion-strengthened materials have a polycrystalline matrix, into which dispersed particles are introduced, most often of the type of oxides, carbides and nitrides. The essence of the strengthening effect of dispersoids is both direct and consists in inhibiting the movement of dislocations of the matrix, as well as indirect in that, during the formation of the system, dispersoids increase the density of dislocations and refine the grain and subgrain structure.
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